2021 Year in Review

Greetings Brethren and Faithful Supporters in the Name of Yahweh,

We pray this report finds you immersed in Yahweh’s blessings. We thank you from the depths of our hearts for your dedication and help in reaching the masses with the great Truths Yahweh has shown us. Our command and desire is to teach His Word to all who will hear, Mark 16:15.

This has been an exceptional year of progress and growth at Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry. Numerous baptisms before, during, and after each of His Feasts attest to the power of His Word in these trying times. We are seeing new visitors to services each Sabbath, which underscores the urgency for the planned expansion of the meeting hall. Sabbaths have begun to look like Feasts as our facilities fill to capacity most weeks.

Following are brief highlights of this past year’s progress and successes:

• An order to reprint the Restoration Study Bible was placed recently. Our initial supply of 10,000 Bibles of the fourth edition is down to fewer than a third, which will likely be depleted by early summer. With uncertainties in the global supply chain, we needed to get a jump on replenishing our stock while we can. We’ve ordered 10,000 more Bibles. The RSB is printed in Eastern Europe at substantial savings, which we pass along to those who place an order.

• The website yrm.org was given a new look that we believe will make it easier to navigate while increasing its effectiveness. Google recently canceled our advertising account because of policy changes over religious advertising (saving us $2,000 monthly), yet our outreach has not been substantially affected. For example, The Lost Temple Mount video Watch it here has received 1.7 million views on YouTube, which increases daily. The digital media outreach is growing as well.

• Our livestreaming continues growing on various platforms. Over 300 devices tune in live each Sabbath while hundreds more watch later each Sabbath on our website, Youtube, and Facebook.

• Our mobile app to date has seen 31,300 downloads, where users access YRM videos, live services, publications, the Restoration Times magazine, biblical articles, the holy day calendar, new moon network, and much more. If you have not yet done so, we encourage you to download the app and have all of this at your fingertips no matter where you are.

• YRM is a full-service ministry and to that end we have introduced several new programs and activities to aid the local brethren in spiritual growth and strengthening of the bond of fellowship. Because of prior emphasis on outreach, we had not done as much as we could to feed the local Body. These new endeavors include a new youth group to minister to the youth and provide fun activities to engage our youth. Other innovations include: men’s and women’s group outings; senior luncheons; and enrichment of monthly new moon celebrations to include educational and other enjoyable activities.

• We are looking for volunteers to be of service to the community to fulfill the command to do good unto all men, Galatians 6:10. Local YRM volunteers have begun serving at food banks, nursing homes and other venues to aid the disadvantaged.

• For the busy individual who has limited time to watch lengthy studies, we have introduced a new video series with Elder Randy Folliard, called Menorah Minute. This program is available on our Facebook page and YouTube channel and can be watched whenever you have a minute.

A great deal is being done at YRM to take the Truth to the world, but much more remains undone. We pray that you will continue standing with us as we reach out to a world that sorely needs to know Yahweh and His Word. Yahshua is soon returning, and we all must be ready and work hard while we can for His sake. Thank you again for your prayers and help, which make these humble efforts possible.

In Yahshua’s Love,

Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry

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Posted in Ministry News.
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3 years ago

yrm most impressive biblical interpretation Which avoids my
False traditional and false religious deceptions.
it is also good if you have reach here Africa #Ethiopia .

T Lewis
T Lewis
1 year ago

Shalom YRM,
It looks like the Gregorian year 2021 was a stellar one for YRM. Unfortunately I was not able to attend most large I personally witnessed the growth and was immensely blessed to be in attendance online for the outreach provided therein. It is so important for the people of the world to continue in / come to the Truth in the Torah. May man blessing continue to come to this ministry as it righteously does the Will of our Creator Yahweh
Blessing in Yahshua
T. Lewis