Why Baptism Into Yahshua’s Name?
Why Baptism into Yahshua’s Name? There is no greater commitment and obligation for a believer than for proper baptism. While ...
Requirements for Baptism
There is no greater step in our spiritual walk as believers than baptism. Yahshua the Messiah was immersed by John ...
Are those who have been baptized in the common names and titles still in their sins?
Are those who have been baptized in the common names and titles still in their sins? ...
One True Baptism
We are told that we are buried with Yahshua the Messiah through baptism to the end that we walk in ...
Born Twice (A look at the Born Again concept)
A rather savvy Pharisee named Nicodemus privately approached the Messiah Yahshua at night to say he was convinced that Yahshua ...
What Must I Do to Be Saved?
Believing in the words of the Scriptures and believing the admonitions given us entail much more than is commonly accepted ...
Your Salvation Is NOT Assured Until the End
Request Booklet Download PDF The evangelist paces back and forth across the stage like a caged tiger. With neck veins ...
Unconditional Salvation
One of the most well-known Protestant leaders was John Calvin. In about 1532 Calvin was converted and joined the Protestant ...
Salvation Unveiled – Through the Annual Feasts!
Comparing Yahweh’s Feast days to the world’s holidays is, to use a phrase of Mark Twain, like comparing lightning to ...