e-News 11/13/2020

Presentation Computer Upgrade
For many years, we have been getting by with a home-grade computer to process our slides and other presentations for the overhead screen on Sabbaths. Thanks to a donation from a brother, who covered half of the purchase of a professional system, we will have the proper equipment to render the right results. The balance of the purchase is about $1500. If you would like to help with the cost, we would be very grateful. Donate Here>>

Clarification of a Previous e-News Report
Regarding our previous e-News on COVID and the Feast of Tabernacles, we want to clarify that there were several cases of COVID and other sicknesses reported from the Feast (most reports came after the Feast). To our knowledge, everyone has recovered. Praise Yahweh for a great Feast of Tabernacles and for restoring the brethren back to health.

2021 Feast Dates are Up!
The projected dates for the 2021 Feast days are available from yrm.org! Click here>>

How much of the New Testament originates in the Old Testament?
A. 25 percent
B. 60 percent
C. 80 percent
D. 100 percent
There are 1,600 quotations, references, and allusions linking the New Testament with the Old. The importance of the Old Testament in the teachings of the New is clearly undeniable. Answer: C

Posted in Ministry News.
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