E-news 7/5/2019

New Outreach Booklet Introduces YRM

Because Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry’s major focus is taking the Truth to the world, we will soon publish a new, evangelistic brochure introducing YRM. It briefly explains our history, major beliefs, our location and our services. It shows the importance of Yahweh’s Name and the Sabbath from a fundamental standpoint. It includes information on our website and app as well as our teaching programs and live Sabbath services. The publication is designed for evangelism in the local community. Plans are to use it in our own area in a door-to-door outreach program. Our Outreach Partners should find it valuable in their own efforts to spread the Truth. We would like to hear of the successful ways it is used so we can share with everyone. Watch for it.

Is the Heart a Pagan Symbol?

The heart shape and its love connection goes back 2,600 years. A plant called silphium had seed pods in the shape of the heart. The plant was used for a number of medicinal purposes, especially for birth control. According to www.atlasobscura.com, the numismatist T.V. Buttrey claimed the exports of the plant silphium and its resins made Cyrene the richest city on the continent at the time. The plant was so economically valuable that Cyrenians began printing it on their money (see coin image). Silver coins from the 6th century B.C. are imprinted with images of the plant’s seed pods that have the common heart shape.


In Acts Chapter 10, Peter was instructed to kill and eat unclean animals. How many times did he eat them?

A. Three times

B. Two times, having declined the first time

C. Never

D. The message got through and Peter began eating pork from then on


Though filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter wondered what the vision meant. Upon learning of a new Gentile convert, Cornelius, he concluded that the vision instructed him not to reject the “unclean” Gentiles, whose hearts were purified by faith. “What Elohim hath cleansed, that call not thou common,” Acts 10:15. He declined to eat the first time, and on each occasion he still declined to eat. If he had eaten on an occasion or two, he could not assert his purity in a subsequent repeat of the vision. Peter did not compromise his faith by accepting unclean animals as food. The account also shows that the law was still being observed by His apostles 10 years after the resurrection of the Messiah Yahshua. This account hearkens back to Ezekiel’s vision where in baking “Ezekiel bread” he was given cow’s dung over human dung (Ezek. 4:12-15), and the test of the Rechabites (Jer. 35), who refused to drink the forbidden wine set before them. In each of these tests they maintained their integrity. Answer: C

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