Getting Ready for the Feast … An Introspection

HalleluYah! Praise Yahweh for the inspiration to write for Him.
This poem came to me a few weeks ago. Some trials and challenges came up one day,
and I realized I needed to do some work to get my heart right with Yahweh, especially
as I prepare to come before Him at the Feast. Then Yahweh helped me realize how I
can do better. And so, I felt compelled to share.

Are our hearts right with Yahweh?
Do we give praise and thank Him every day?
Do we seek first the Kingdom and His Righteousness,
Or do we get into the busy-ness of our day?
Have we spent time in Yahweh’s Word today,
Or is the to-do list getting in the way?
How else do we expect to get to know Him and His ways
If the Bible sits on the table or on the shelf day to day?

How else would we get to learn from examples like Job,
Who said “Yahweh gives and Yahweh takes away, blessed be the name of Yahweh”
after losing it all?
Or read and learn how Solomon, in all his wisdom and wealth, said both,
“The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge” (in Proverbs)
and that “all is vanity” (in Ecclesiastes) despite seemingly having it all?
How can we learn to walk as Messiah did if we don’t keep His words in our hearts and
minds, Who sought His Father in all things, fasted and prayed,
And taught us to love and obey Yahweh, and to seek and we shall find?

Some days we get so busy,
We say, “I’ll just do this one thing then I’ll sit to read.”
Or, “I’ll just spend five minutes on social media.”
But then we get lost in the feed.
Or we get so angry about what just happened, and say,
“No, I can’t come before Yahweh in this state.”
One thing leads to another, …
The clock ticks, and then it’s late.

Then we realize we must stay the course,
And realize, “I must put keep putting Yahweh first no matter what.”
Yes, He must come first, In our lives, in our hearts and in our thoughts.

Yahshua taught us to seek first
The Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you,
These things being what shall we eat, drink, or be clothed.
And He taught us not to omit the weightier matters of the law-judgment, mercy, and faith-
And His servant Paul listed the Fruits of the Spirit, and the necessity of love.

Yahshua taught that all who endure to the end shall be saved,
And in Revelation told us that we must overcome;
We can only do it if we put on the mind of Messiah
And put our spiritual armor on.

Yahweh shows us that our relationship with Him
Is not dependent on our station in life nor things we may “own.”
It’s what in the heart that matters
And our hearts need to be right no matter what is going on.

Yahweh first!
We need to read and study His Word every day;
His Word says, He will bless and prosper us
IF we love Him and obey.

~submitted by Judy Stern

Posted in Come to the Garden.
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Charles Waddell
Charles Waddell
4 months ago

Well said Judy. We are on our way to the FOT. HalleluYah! Lucie & Charles