Bible and love

My Love is Invaluable…Part 2

No amount of silver or gold can compare with him. His attributes are innumerable

and unlimited. How can this be so? He possesses the most valuable thing in the

world. YAHSHUA Messiah is his Elohim and Savior. His tender heart overflows

with love. He is the most beautiful of men. His voice, his words, his thoughts are

higher than the heavens. He is more valuable than many horses. My love for him

is deeper than the oceans. I thank my Elohim, the creator of the heavens and the

earth and all therein, for my love. May I ever be at his side, quick to agree,

console, encourage. He knows the value of what he has and how to keep it. There

is only one higher than him; the Elohim, YAHWEH almighty! Therefore, in our

lives and home, The King of Kings always comes first, last, and forever. Love,


By Jolae Barry (after we were wed)

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