Pentecost Invite
YRM will be observing Pentecost on Sunday, May 27. We invite all those of goodwill to join us for this very special weekend in Holts Summit, Missouri. For those unable to attend, we will be broadcasting live at 1:30 pm, Central, from Also, for those who receive the RT magazine by mail, you should be receiving a Pentecost letter reviewing the importance of this day. Within this mailing we explain the names associated with this Feast, the proper method of counting, and the major lessons behind it. With this letter we have also enclosed our Feast of Tabernacles information and registration form.
Feast of Tabernacles Registration
Registration is now open for the Feast of Tabernacles. Along with daily worship services and several Bible workshops, we have many activities planned, including: roller skating, volleyball, bingo, Hebrew dancing, puppet show, bounce house, and more. As for lodging, YRM offers dorm rooms in our activities building and electric tent sites. While we have plenty of room remaining for tenting, we are running low on dorm rooms. Only 9 of the 26 rooms remain. If you are interested in a dorm room, we encourage you to register soon. Because these rooms are limited, they are only available to those who plan to observe all eight days of the Feast with YRM. There is also one hotel, America’s Best Value Inn, in Holts Summit, two miles from the Assembly. This Feast promises to be a blessing and a taste of the Kingdom. Don’t delay, register today. For more information, visit
Prayer List
What is the New Testament fulfillment for Pentecost?
A. Yahshua’s death
B. Yahshua’s resurrection
C. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit
D. Yahshua’s return and the first resurrection
The New Testament fulfillment of Pentecost was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:1-4. Interestingly, it is also believed by the Jews and indicated by Scripture that the Law was given to Moses on this day. While the law represents Yahweh’s instruction, the Spirit provides for His wisdom and insight. Regarding the other events: Yahshua’s death is depicted through Passover; His resurrection is commemorated through firstfruits during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and His return along with the first resurrection is likely depicted by the Feast of Trumpets.
Correct: C