Passover / Feast Review
While we still have a few days remaining of this year’s Feast of Unleavened Bread, we can report that this year’s Passover and Feast has been exceptional. Here are a few highlights: Elder Randy Folliard presented a memorable and moving Passover service. Elder Alan Mansager provided many insights in his message on the first High Day of Unleavened Bread. We’ve also been blessed through the Bible workshops. A special thanks to Brothers Gary Hornickel and Michael Banak who presented workshops on Covenants of the Bible and the Bible’s Hall of Fame. We were also blessed with Hebrew dancing and a special performance from Praises for Yahweh (aka, the Avalos ladies). The brethren also thoroughly enjoyed this year’s Middle Eastern Dinner. Also, the visit to the National Churchill Museum was informative and enlightening. Several brethren got to see the longest portion of the Berlin Wall in the United States. Moving ahead, we anticipate hearing an inspiring message from Brother Harold Ballew this Sabbath along with a stirring message on the last High Day, scheduled for Sunday. Both messages will be available live online at 1:30 pm, Central, from
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In what book does Paul state, “Therefore let us keep the Feast.”
A. Romans
B. 1Corinthians
C. Ephesians
D. Colossians
Paul in 1Corinthians 5:8 states, “Therefore let us keep the feast….” Correct: B