
Remember Me

This week we added a new post to our Come to the Garden blog entitled, Remember Me. Sister Debbie Reed writes from the perspective of the unborn. This thought-provoking and heart-wrenching literary piece will make all who read it appreciate and ponder the importance of life, especially for the unborn. For more information, visit our online Come to the Garden blog.

 Recent Q&A’s

What is your position regarding those who call themselves Jews today?
You say that the temple was not on the Temple Mount, but within the ancient City of David. 1Chronicles 3:1 states that it was on Mt. Moriah. How can both be right?

Progress on Activities Building

We continue to make excellent progress on our activities building. This week we had a “work night” with many volunteers to sand, stain, and cut wood for the upper level bunk beds. Ryan, Lucas, and James have also made considerable headway with the communal bathrooms, kitchen, and dorm rooms. Delwin Wilson is also nearing completion on the upstairs carpet. While we are on schedule to have the facilities completed by Tabernacles, there remains much work to be done. To learn how to help or to see recent photos, please visit our online building donation page.

Fall Feasts Approaching

The fall Feasts will soon be upon us. For those new to this faith, Yahweh’s Feast days are critically important. Not only are they commanded and will be observed in the millennial Kingdom, but they also reveal His plan of salvation for mankind. The fall Feasts focus on Yahshua’s Second Coming, the establishment of the Kingdom, and the final judgment of mankind. If you are unable to join us in Holts Summit, we will be broadcasting live during these Feasts (Tabernacles online to be limited to high days and weekly Sabbath)

Feast of Trumpets: September 11
Day of Atonement: September 20
Feast of Tabernacles: September 25 – October 1
Last Great Day: October 2

Feast of Tabernacles Invitation

We warmly invite you to this year’s Feast of Tabernacles in Holts Summit, Missouri. Along with daily worship services and several Bible workshops, we have many activities planned for young and old, including: roller skating, volleyball, bingo, Hebrew dancing, puppet show, bounce house, and more. As for lodging, we have one dorm room remaining and several electric tent sites available. There is also one hotel, America’s Best Value Inn, in Holts Summit, two miles from the Assembly along with several more hotels in Jefferson City (10-15 minutes from YRM). This Feast promises to be a tremendous blessing. Don’t delay, register today. For more information, visit

Prayer List

View prayer list >>



 The Bible is a living document that changes with the culture.

A. True
B. False

While many believe that Yahweh’s Word changes with the times, Malachi 3:6 states, “For I am Yahweh, I change not.” Our Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This is also true of His Word. The same standards of morality in the Old also apply in the New Testament. While society may accept homosexuality, transgender, and other abominable lifestyles, the Bible forbids them and defines them as sin.


Answer: B

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6 years ago

Is It acceptable to do charity work on the Feast of Trumpets? I see that It says,On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work, but present a food offering to the Lord.’”
Thank you!