Progress Continues in Activities Building
We made great progress in the activities building this week. Along with Brothers Ryan Manager and Lucas Cecil making tremendous progress on framing the upstirs rooms, Sisters Eva Welch, Lendia Ball, and Margie Mansager painted the downstairs communal bathrooms, dining room, and all five bedrooms. Not only did all three sisters donate their time, but Eva and Lendia both drove long distances to assist. As a side note, Sister Eva is a professional painter who still works part-time. YRM is very grateful for their help and devotion. For those who would like help, especially with the expense, please visit Also, visit our photos page for recent pictures.
Pentecost Invite
YRM will be observing Pentecost on Sunday, May 27. We invite all those of goodwill to join us for this very special weekend in Holts Summit, Missouri. For those unable to attend, we will be broadcasting the Pentecost service live at 1:30 pm, Central, from Pentecost is one of Yahweh’s three pilgrimage Feasts. It depicts the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai (as held by Jewish tradition and indicated in Exodus 19:1) and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Not only was this Feast observed in the Old Testament, but it’s listed several times in the New Testament, Acts 2:1; 20:16, and 1Corinthians 16:8. The only days referenced more often is Passover at 28 times and the Feast of Unleavened Bread at 8 times.
Prayer List
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What is NOT true regarding the Gnostics?
A. They believed in the Messiah
B. They were especially concerned with morality
C. They viewed the material world as evil
D. They were most concerned about knowledge
The word “Gnostic” comes from the Greek meaning, “knowledge.” They were a heretical sect that believed in the Messiah, but had a very different outlook regarding who He was and the purpose for His coming. They believed that Yahshua came to impart secret knowledge to His disciples so they could shed their material bodies and ascend to their true natures. For this reason, they viewed the material world as evil. This included their bodies, which they viewed as a form of prison trapping their real self. Since they were not concerned about the physical and focused on obtaining knowledge for the purpose of releasing their divine spark, they were not especially worried about morality.
Correct: B