As a Ministry, we believe in the power of prayer. Please submit your prayer request below and keep those seeking Yahweh’s help and guidance in prayer.
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Shalom. Asking for prayers please for my mom-in-law Cathy.
She has atrial fibulation, COVID, and pneumonia (not sure if it's bacterial or viral). She was taken to the hospital ER this morning (10/23) and is still in ER as they have no beds.
Dan just called this evening to check on his mom, there is no change in her condition as of yet.
She has been on oxygen due to pulmonary fibrosis.
Please keep her and our family in your prayers. Dealing with the issues that came up at her residence, as well as all her medical issues, has been stressful and heartbreaking.
Thank you everyone. Shalom.Judy Stern
Received: October 23, 2023
“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto Elohim.” – Phil 4:6