As a Ministry, we believe in the power of prayer. Please submit your prayer request below and keep those seeking Yahweh’s help and guidance in prayer.
Please note, all prayer requests are moderated in order to prevent spam from being summitted. If you submit a prayer request, it might take a little time before we have an opportunity to approve it. Please avoid submitting multiple requests for the same prayer.
(From Julie) I am feeling heartbroken as ever. I thought I found at least one person who was in one arrord with me. It would have helped my walk. I am so crushed. I have seen signs he is not ready and I again stand alone. It would be easier not to stumble and fall if I could have even one person to walk this walk with in person. Please Yahweh. Anonymous
Received: November 6, 2023
“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto Elohim.” – Phil 4:6