You claim that it took all day for the Israelites to leave Egypt. How is this possible when the Bible states that they were to leave in haste?
You claim that it took all day for the Israelites to leave Egypt. How is this possible when the ...

Will the New moon of Abib change the count to Pentecost?
If the confirmation of the new moon of Abib is a day later this year, the Passover will ...

Isn’t Jerusalem the only proper place to keep the Biblical Feast days?
Isn’t Jerusalem the only proper place to keep the Biblical Feast days? Some think that worship is sanctioned ...

Concerning the calendar and holy days, weren’t these days instituted by Yahweh to remind Israel of what He had done for them and how He wanted Israel to live? What do these days have to do with us in the 21st century?
Concerning the calendar and holy days, weren’t these days instituted by Yahweh to remind Israel of what He had ...

Please explain why you observe Old Testament days of worship? Paul seems to say that these days are no longer important, like Galatians 4:10 and Colossians 2:16.
Please explain why you observe Old Testament days of worship? Paul seems to say that these days are ...

Do we actually eat the Messiah’s body and blood (transubstantiation) as taught by the Catholics?
An exchange with a Catholic friend and myself about the actual Passover meal got me stu mped. They believe they ...

If Passover is not a high day, why then does Exodus 34:25 refer to the Passover as a “feast”?
If Passover is not a high day, why then does Exodus 34:25 refer to the Passover as a ...

I have heard some say that the “sop” that Yahshua used in the New Testament Passover service was leavened bread. Can that be true?
I have heard some say that the “sop” that Yahshua used in the New Testament Passover service was leavened ...