To You, Almighty Yahweh

What wonderful things cannot be said of You?
Heavenly Father, Yahweh of Hosts,
As You and as Yahshua rightly taught,
Whom we should love in our lives the most.
If we feel alone, You are Omnipresent
So You are with us, right there.
If we feel unloved, Your Word says,
“Yahweh is love” and that for us He cares.
If we are in need of food or raiment,
Yahshua teaches, don’t worry what you’ll eat, drink or wear.
If we’re in trouble, Yahweh, You say
You are with us, have no fear.
When in my life I thought I would lose it all,
I felt that into despair I’d fall,
Not knowing what else to do, I looked up,
Cried to You, Yahweh, and You definitely heard my call.
You have blessed me in more ways than I can count,
You healed me of my trauma, eased my pain.
Yahweh, You saw it all, and wiped away tears
That used to fall down my face like rain.
Sometimes we may wonder, “What have I done to deserve this?”
Both in good and in challenging times.
And of course, in each case, Yahweh,
You are Omniscient, so You have the answer every time.
Your Word says You refine us as iron in the fire and You give us grace;
The good times in life are blessings, promised to those who love you and obey.
Praise You Yahweh, You are so patient,
As on this walk I’ve made many mistakes.
My righteousness is as filthy rags,
Yet you don’t cast me away because of Your love, mercy and grace.
Sometimes it’s hard for me to find the right words
To express how glorious You are,
Bigger and more grand than anything I can think of,
Larger than life! You are:
Faithful, Wise, Good, Just,
Our Refuge, All Powerful,
Righteous King, Creator,
Abba Yahweh, You are wonderful!
Thank you, Yahweh, for Your Word
That you share with us and wrote in our hearts.
Thank you for loving us and for Your Son Yahshua,
And for the blessings You impart.
Thank you for hearing our prayers,

Thank you for Your Kingdom Come,
And for pouring out Your Holy Spirit.
You are so wonderful! Thank you for all You have done!
To You, Almighty Yahweh,
To You our praises and worship we bring.
To You, Yahweh, all honor and glory,
Avinu Malkeinu, our Father, our King!

~Submitted by Judy Stern, inspired by Yahweh

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