We are blessed to have such a great and dedicated team here at YRM. These folks are the main drive behind the day-to-day operations here at the ministry.

Alan Mansager

Alan Mansager has been in this movement for over 50 years. His first Feast of Tabernacles was in 1968. He has been a minister for over 30 years and has helped start multiple ministries. He founded YRM in 1999 starting in his house with the help of Randy and Ryan. His passion is Journalism and writing and has a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Kansas. He has worked in newspaper and radio but his real love is using his gifts for Yahweh. He has been a Television host for 30 years. He started the Discover the Truth TV program which was seen nationally on Superstation WGN, TBN, CW and SkyAngel amongst others. He has been happily married to his wife Margie since 1975 and has two children Ryan and Jennifer.

Randy Folliard

Randy has a passion for scripture and teaching. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems from Columbia College and has credentials in Project Management, which he loves not only doing but teaching. Randy helped found YRM in 1999 and has written many articles and literature throughout the years. Randy was a Host on the Discover the Truth television program for several years which aired on Superstation WGN, TBN, The CW and SkyAngel amongst others. He is happily married to his wife Jennifer and they have two children.

Ryan Mansager
Media Dept. / Office Manager

Ryan has worked in broadcast television and media for most of his life. He was employed in News and Production for CBS. Ryan helped YRM from the beginning with video/media, graphic design, website, publications, and now works full-time for the ministry. He also enjoys construction and has served in building and contracting YRM facilities. He enjoys Biblical Hebrew in his spare time, along with history and archaeology. His trips to Israel, learning from archaeologists has inspired him to learn more. Ryan helped YRM from the beginning in 1999. He has been a part of the YRM worship team for over 15 years, playing drums, guitar and leading worship. He is married to Jessica Mansager and they have 5 children.



Lucas Cecil
Social Media Dept.

Lucas has been with YRM since 2016 and has worked with various ministries across the state of Missouri. Lucas runs the online / social media side of the ministry. If you have ever left a comment on YouTube, Facebook or yrm.org you have likely gotten a response from Lucas. He enjoys spending time with his wife Abbie and his son Graeme. He also likes playing Music and studying his bible. Leave a comment sometime, He loves talking with Yahweh's people!

Debbie Wirl
Admin Asst / Shipping / Copy Editor
Dreama Simmons
Custodian / Reception

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