Dress Code

We ask that all members and visitors respect and follow YRM’s dress code, which is to ensure proper dress in the assembly, especially during times of worship.

  • During times of worship:
    • Dress shirts, collar shirt, and pants for men and boys.
    • Dresses, skirts, or dress pants for women and young ladies.
    • Ladies must have their heads covered (scarves or hats) and men must keep their heads uncovered, 1Corinthians 11:5-7.
    • If you do not have dress attire for worship, please come in your best, as we are coming before the King of the Universe.
  • During other times at YRM, please avoid immodest dress, including: low neckline, sleeveless, exposed back, skirt above the knees, exposed midriff, tight fitting, shorts, and see-through.
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Henry and Elaine in Winchester, TN
Henry and Elaine in Winchester, TN
6 years ago

what are your thoughts on make up, jewelry and bright colored nail polish for women and young ladies?

Stephen Crouse
Stephen Crouse

It is prudent to make a distinction between those that are members, that should not be conformed to the world, and those that are inquirers. For the saints: “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” There is no prettier woman than a holy one that is clean, healthy,… Read more »

5 years ago

Shalom! My name is Ranelyn, and I recently moved here in South Carolina. Is there a synagogue here somewhere? If Yes, can I get the detailed address please? I appreciate your response. Thank you and Yahweh bless.

Reply to  Ranelyn
5 years ago

Shalom Ranelyn, My name is Jeremy and I’m a Pastor in South Carolina. I’m reaching out to you and please feel free to contact me at 864-386-4215. I would like to know what part of South Carolina your in. May Yahweh Bless You.

Michael n Leslie
Michael n Leslie
Reply to  Jeremy
5 years ago

Michael n Leslie here. Just moved to Eastern North Carolina and looking for this exact kind of place to worship. We have been searching for years. Thankyou

Carlos Bailote
Carlos Bailote
5 years ago


4 years ago

… and all this time I thought the Lord said “Come as you are” (paraphrased since I don’t speak Aramaic). Are you saying that God demands a person to dress in formal attire to worship and celebrate His Word? Isn’t a dress code… “of this world”?

Reply to  YRM
2 years ago

I do not think that God is extremely concerned with how we look (dress). I do not think that they had work attire, play attire, good attire, bad attire, formal attire, informal attire, etc… in Biblical times. God is concerned with our hearts – whether we are in adherence & obedience to His Teachings & His Commands, as well as the Teachings & Commands of His Son. That is how He will judge us on Judgment Day – not what we wore when we attended worship services. We are to worship Him in Spirit & Truth.

Jeanie Greenwell
Jeanie Greenwell
Reply to  Patrick
1 year ago

Patrick, I agree with you, but He does require some things: He wants us to be clean: our bodies and hair should be cleaned: Showing Him respect. Our clothing should be modest (colors should not be LOUD) and also should be modest, skirt length for women should not be any shorter than mid calf (of course this only applies to those who are concerned for following after Him) and women did not even *start wear pants until around the mid 50s. They even wore long skirts for swimming (until a certain time frame) there is no one TRYING TO BE… Read more »

4 years ago

I would like to know if you have any locations in the Phoenix, Arizona area.

Margo Hadath
Margo Hadath
4 years ago

I do believe it is proper before Yahweh to represent yourself as modest, and understanding that the attention is not supposed to be on you. Our beauty is natural and no need for makeup or excessive jewelry.

Jeanie Greenwell
Jeanie Greenwell
Reply to  Margo Hadath
1 year ago

WOW Amazing answer! Amen.

3 years ago

What’s to stop your movement from being hijacked by the liberal globohomo elites just like every other Christian denomination in the past?

Jeanie Greenwell
Jeanie Greenwell
Reply to  john
1 year ago

I hear you.

3 years ago

I live between Lafayette and Kokomo Indiana . Is there anyplace you can recommend ?
Thank you much .

2 years ago

I find this so uplifting. I recently left Orthodox Judaism when I realized Yeshuah was the Moshiach we have been awaiting. I as a married Jewish woman already practice tznius, meaning I dress modestly and wrap my hair. Even now after our family has left Judaism I still cover my hair as I feel I owe it to Yahweh ( it’s been hard to break the habit of calling G-d HaShem) as my way of worship. I am learning so much from your website.

Jeanie Greenwell
Jeanie Greenwell
Reply to  Hadassah
1 year ago

I had thought that only the virgin unmarried women covered their hair with clothing? A married woman has her hair covering. Yahuah has said that a mans covering was Yahuah, and womens’ covering was her hair? But unmarried virgins are to cover them selves?

Reply to  Jeanie Greenwell
1 year ago

I cover my hair out of respect for Yahweh and my husband. I dress modest for those same reasons. I come originally from Hasidim and I found my love for honoring Yahweh like this there. I’m slowly learning the New Testament so I really can’t answer your question.

2 years ago

Jesus said to come as you are Samuel said that humans will look on the outside ie fancy clothing The Lord looks at your heart Jesus said do not judge or you will be judged Look into the New Testament a little more the mosaic laws were nailed to the cross Only 2 commandments hang all the law – Love God with all your heart mind and soul. And love your neighbor as yourself This is the 10 commandments only To love God first 4 commandments in exodus 20 and To love your neighbor is the last 6 in exodus… Read more »

Jeanie Greenwell
Jeanie Greenwell
Reply to  YRM
1 year ago

It surely was not “done away with: the “other churches” preach false messages. They claim that since Yahusha was “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” GOD: which really only APPLIES when they FIRST BECOME SAVED: When you come out of the world and confess your sin and repent, and are Baptised: Christ at that point is the SCAPE GOAT: TAKES YOUR SINS: “as far as the east is from the west” you are forgiven: but ALSO after He takes your PAST SINS: He also is MADE TO GO INTO THE WILDERNESS WERE IT IS DARK: “My Yahuah why have you forsaken me?” THE DARKNESS… Read more »

2 years ago

Why do a lot of people think it’s ok for a woman to dress unmodesty?

2 years ago

Is it ok to go to church with low cut t-shirt and shorts that people could see your cheeks the part you sit on

Jeanie Greenwell
Jeanie Greenwell
Reply to  Tonia
1 year ago

Do you THINK that that form of dress is RESPECTFUL of the Almighty God? Is that Holy? Modest apparel means (If you read the Bible) women covered over everything except their necks or ankles. BUT these days they are so FAR AWAY from Yahuah and Holiness: which is a *REQUIREMENT from Yahuah. *Google fashion. As you can see *women wore long length dresses. through out the decades until about 1950s when dress lengths became shorter. and women *started wearing make up (which before this time (only Egyptians wore make up (and they were anti-christ). and PROSTITUTES, whores wore make up,… Read more »

Andrew Lanham
1 year ago

I can’t wear dress pants I’m allergic to them so what can I wear if to the church

10 months ago

Our Father does not care if we wear a sweatshirt or a collared shirt when we meet to worship Him. Modesty though is clearly important per Scripture. I love this ministry but feel that the “dress code” needs modified to not deter any of His kids from coming to meet your congregation. I know this ministry follows His Ways as we should, which is a rare thing, and I was therefore disappointed to see such a “dress code” strongly influenced by what the world considers a semi-casual dress code. It should be “Come as you are! Shorts, jeans, etc “… Read more »

Reply to  Teddi
16 days ago

The resistance seen in some of these posts about showing respect by the way we dress is almost laughable, embarrassing really. How do most people dress when they go to a wedding, or funeral or a special occasion like a high school reunion or a special dinner? It seems most people are somewhat excited to dress their best, out of respect or just wanting others to see them in their best light. How many opposed to the suggested dress code have went out to purchase a new outfit for a special occasion…? How much more Yahweh deserves from us who… Read more »

Shari Jochim
Shari Jochim
8 days ago

How can I find a group near me? Phoenix Az