- We will treat one another with courtesy and kindness.
- We will endeavor to maintain an attitude of love in all our relationships.
- We will seek to keep confidences and will refrain from gossip.
- We will seek in all we do and say to strengthen character and dignify each other.
- We will remember that our personal conduct gives evidence of our sincerity and reflects upon the Ministry.
- We will walk in the humility of the Messiah and consider the needs of others.
- We will be vigilant in protecting our children and securing their safety and well-being at all times.
Guidelines for Congregational Unity
As per Matthew 18:15, should a conflict or difference arise between you and another person:
- Speak directly with that person in an attempt to work things out, if you are unable…
- The two of you should reach out to 2-3 members who can serve as witnesses and provide sound biblical guidance; if you are unable…
- The two of you should meet with an elder/pastor for resolution. Please do not skip steps 1 and 2 and go directly to step 3, as the Bible directs us to first attempt to resolve the issue without involving the leadership.