This document summarizes the beliefs of Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry. Yahweh commands that we prove all things ordained in His Word, thus we encourage all who may read this to prove from the Bible everything written here, 1Thessalonians 5:21.
Foundation in the Old Testament
We in Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirm that the Old Testament is the basis for the New Testament. From many references made by Yahshua and His apostles to the Old Testament Laws, Psalms, and Prophets, the authority of the Old Testament is easily seen, Luke 24:44; Acts 24:14.
Basis for the New Testament
We affirm that both the Old and New Testaments are inspired, and that they are to be used for teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, Matthew 4:4; 2Timothy 3:16. We are not to delete from either text, Revelation 22:18, and neither Old nor New Testament is open to private interpretation, 2Peter 1:21. We must not take from or add to Scripture, Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32.
The Father
We affirm that the Heavenly Father’s Name is Yahweh, Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 42:8; Jeremiah 16:21. Yahweh is His Name forever, and is the verb of existence, Exodus 3:14-15; Isaiah 63:12. He is the Supreme Ruler over everything. Worship is to be directed toward Him and He is to be venerated above all, Exodus 20:5; Deuteronomy, 6:4, 13; 2Kings 17:36; Psalm 99:9; Matthew 4:10. We are commanded to use and revere Yahweh’s Name, Exodus 20:7; Leviticus 22:2; Deuteronomy 28:58; Psalm 105:1; Isaiah 52:6; Matthew 6:9; John 17:26.
The Son
We affirm that the true Name for the Messiah is Yahshua. Yahshua literally means, “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” His Name is a contraction of YAHweh and hoSHUA. He literally came in His Father’s Name, John 5:43. Yahshua is the only name under Heaven that offers salvation to all those that would call upon it, Acts 4:12. He pre-existed before His earthly birth and was the spokesman for the Father in the Old Testament, Genesis 1:26; 19:24; Proverbs 8:25; Micah 5:2; John 1:1-3; 8:58; 13:3; 16:28-30; 1Corinthians 10:4; Colossians 1:15-17. We believe that He came in human form and was born of a virgin by Yahweh’s own power, Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; John 17:5; Philippians 2:5-7. Yahshua lived a completely sinless life, Isaiah 53:9; 1 Peter 2:22, and died upon the torture stake through which we have atonement for our sins, Isaiah 53; Hebrews 9. On the third day He rose from the tomb to be the mediator between mankind and Yahweh, Matthew 12:40; John 14:6; 1Corinthians 15:1-8; Hebrews 3:1; 4:14.
The Holy Spirit
We affirm that the Holy Spirit is an invisible force proceeding from the Heavenly Father. It is in essence the mind and power of Yahweh, which is also bestowed upon the Son, Luke 24:49; John 15:26. The Holy Spirit is placed within those who are baptized into the saving Name of Yahshua the Messiah through the laying on hands of the presbytery, Acts 2:38; 5:32; 8:17; 19:6; 1Timothy 4:14; 2Timothy 1:6. Through this power a person receives Yahweh’s strength to overcome sin and live a repentant life. The Holy Spirit is the acting agent by which Yahweh and His Son accomplish their will.
Obedience to Law
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that the Bible commands the observance of all Yahweh’s laws, statutes, and judgments in both Old and New Testaments (except the sacrifices mentioned in Hebrews 9 and ritual circumcision), Deuteronomy 6:6-9; 7:6-11; Matthew 4:4; 5:17-20; Revelation 12:17; 14:12; 22:14. Through obeying His commandments we demonstrate our love for Yahweh, John 14:15, 21; 15:12. Faith does not annul His law, Romans 3:31; James 2:14-17.
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that upon true repentance a person is to be baptized into the saving Name of Yahshua the Messiah (meeting the scriptural age of accountability, which is 20), Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 2:38; 4:12; 8:16; 10:43; 19:5; Romans 6:3. Baptism is by complete submersion, once, backward in water. Through baptism we become a new man, free of our old carnal nature, Romans 6:3-6; 7:6; Colossians 2:12; 1Peter 3:21. There is only one true and correct baptism, Ephesians 4:5, uniting all under the Messiah.
We teach that the Sabbath day is the seventh day of the week and commemorates creation through Yahweh’s mighty hand, Genesis 2:2-3. The weekly Sabbath is a sign between Him and His people, setting them apart from the common world, Exodus 31:13-17. The Sabbath restricts any servile work, including cooking, Exodus 16:23; 20:8-11. We are not to buy or sell on Yahweh’s day of rest, or bring any burden into our dwellings, Nehemiah 10:31; 13:15-21; Jeremiah 17:21-22, 24-27. The Sabbath is a day to pray and meditate on Yahweh’s will, forsaking our own wants and desires, Isaiah 58:13-14; Acts 16:13. It is a day to come together and worship Yahweh in spirit and truth, Leviticus 23:2-3; Hebrews 10:25.
We affirm that the Passover memorial begins at dusk at the start of the fourteenth of Abib (month of green ears of barley), Exodus 12:6; Leviticus 23:5; Numbers 28:16; Deuteronomy 16:1. The Passover represents two significant events—the death of the firstborn of Egypt and the passing of the death angel, and the impalement of our Savior on the torture stake, Exodus 12; John 18-19. The Passover is a memorial, not a High Sabbath. Work may be done on this day, Matthew 27:62; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; John 19:14. Yahshua partook of the Passover at twilight on the fourteenth day of Abib with His Apostles, Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:12-25, thus fulfilling the law. We no longer sacrifice a lamb at Passover, but partake of the prescribed emblems, which represent Yahshua’s body (unleavened bread, matzoth) and blood (unfermented grape juice, the pure blood of the grape, Deut. 32:14), Luke 22:12-23; 1Corinthians 11:23-26.
Feast of Unleavened Bread
We believe that the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th day of the month of Abib and extends through the 21st day of that same month, Exodus 12:15-18; Leviticus 23:6; Numbers 28:17. The first and last days of the seven-day observance are observed as High Days, Exodus 12:16; Leviticus 23:7-8; Numbers 28:18, 25. During this time we are to worship Yahweh and examine ourselves, removing any pride, sin, falsity or false doctrine from our lives, Exodus 5:1; 1Corinthians 5:8. We are to remove all leaven products from our property and eat unleavened bread with our meals for all seven days of the Feast, Exodus 12:15, 18; Leviticus 23:6.
Feast of Weeks
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that the Feast of Weeks (Heb. Shavuoth) or Pentecost is the third of the seven annual observances. This Feast is to be calculated from within the Feast of Unleavened Bread. We are to start the count from the day after the weekly Sabbath that falls within the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and count seven complete weeks, Leviticus 23:15-16. On this day the New Testament Assembly received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2.
Feast of Trumpets
We affirm that the Feast of Trumpets is a High Sabbath, a memorial of blowing trumpets, that falls on the first day of the seventh biblical month, Leviticus 23:23-25, Numbers 29:1-6.
Day of Atonement
We affirm that the Day of Atonement comes on the 10th day of the seventh biblical month. On this day no manner of work is to be done; it is a strict Sabbath to Yahweh. On this High Sabbath we are to afflict ourselves by abstaining from food and drink, Leviticus 16; 23:26-32; Numbers 29:7-11.
Feast of Tabernacles
We affirm that the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Ingathering starts on the 15th day of the seventh biblical month and advances through the 21st day of the biblical month. The Feast of Tabernacles is a seven-day Feast, which has a High Day on the 15th day of Tishri, Exodus 23:16; 34:22; Leviticus 23:33-36, 39-43; Numbers 29:12-34; Deuteronomy 16:13-15. Yahshua set the example for all mankind by observing the Feast in the New Testament. Further, we are told that all people in the Millennium will observe the Feast of Tabernacles, Zechariah 14:16-19; John 7:2, 37.
Last Great Day
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that the Last Great Day immediately follows the Feast of Tabernacles and comes on the 22nd day of the seventh biblical month as a High Sabbath. On this day no manner of work is to be done. This special day commemorates the closing of the yearly feast cycle, Leviticus 23:36; Numbers 29:35-38.
New Moon
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that the first visible crescent marks the new month. The start of the year is determined by the green ears of barley and the new moon that immediately follows their confirmation, Exodus 12:1. The new moon is a day to gather and observe the crescent, 1Chronicles 23:31; 2Chronicles 2:4; 8:13; 31:3; Isaiah 66:23; Ezekiel 45:17; 46:3.
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that sin is the transgression of Yahweh’s Law, 1John 3:4. Without Law sin does not exist, Romans 3:20; 7:7-12, and the penalty of sin is death, Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:27. We realize that all have sinned and come short of the glory of Yahweh, Romans 3:23.
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that marriage is a lifelong union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18-24; Matthew 19:5) and that remarriage is allowed only upon the death of a spouse, Matthew 19; Romans 7:2-3; 1Corinthians 7:11). Since marriage was established only between one man and one woman, we reject homosexual or polygamous marriages and/or unions.
Head Coverings
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that all women in the assembly are to have their heads covered with a type of covering during worship, and that all men are to leave their heads uncovered, 1Corinthians 11:4-10.
Speaking in the Congregation
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that only men are permitted to speak before the assembly, and that Paul admonishes women to remain silent during formal worship services, 1Corinthians 14:34-35; 1Timothy 2:11-12.
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that tithing is a biblical practice that all of Yahweh’s people are commanded to perform, Leviticus 27:30-33; Malachi 3:8-12; Matthew 23:23. A tithe is defined as 10 percent of a person’s income (increase). Yahweh also commands a second tithe to be set aside to insure sufficient means to attend His Feasts, Deuteronomy 14:22-26.
Clean Food Laws
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that Yahweh’s dietary food laws were not annulled in the New Testament, but remain for His New Covenant believers, Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14; Isaiah 65:4; 66:17; Acts 10:14; 2Corinthians 6:17.
The Adversary
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that Satan is a spirit being who was cast out of heaven because of his pride, Isaiah 14:12-20; Ezekiel 28:13-19; Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:7-9. Satan will eventually be destroyed, Ezekiel 28:16; Romans 16:20 (“bruise” = crush in pieces); Hebrews 2:14. Through the help of Yahweh we can overcome the wiles of the Adversary, James 4:7.
Lake of Fire (Gehenna)
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that the Bible does not support an ever-burning hellfire, but that the wicked who are placed in the lake of fire (Gehenna) will be destroyed quickly and completely, and will not burn forever, 2Thessalonians 1:7-10; Malachi 4:1-3; Psalm 37:20-22; Jude 7. “Hell” is the Hebrew sheol in the Old Testament, which means, “grave or pit”; the New Testament counterpart is the Greek hades, which also means, “grave.”
Salvation and Immortality
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that the dead are unconscious in their graves until they are resurrected, Job 14:12-14; Daniel 12:2; John 5:29; 1Corinthians 15:51-56; 1Thessalonians 4:13-17; Hebrews 11:13, 39. We humans do not have immortal souls, Ezekiel 18:4, 20; Matthew 10:28, but receive immortality as a reward at the resurrection, John 17:2-3; 2Timothy 1:10.
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that love is a critical aspect of the true believer’s life. Yahweh requires that we all demonstrate love for Him and our fellow man. The two greatest commandments are: loving Yahweh with all our hearts, and loving our neighbors as ourselves, Leviticus 19:18; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Matthew 19:19; 22:34-40; James 2:8. Love is showing an unselfish and outgoing desire for Yahweh and our fellow man. Without love we have no hope of eternal life, 1Corinthians 13.
We reject all forms of discrimination as it relates to natural-born gender, nationality, or ethnicity. The Bible confirms that those immersed into Yahshua’s Name are spiritual heirs of Abraham, Galatians 3:27-29. The Apostle Paul also verifies that we are grafted into the same Hebraic promise given to Israel of the Old Testament, Romans 9 and 11. As such, it is wrong to place artificial barriers because of natural-born gender or ethnicity, but this does not include transgender or homosexual offenders.
Body of Messiah
Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry affirms that the Body of Messiah governs all of Yahweh’s people and assemblies. In the Body of Messiah Yahweh blesses certain people with different gifts to further the work, Romans 12:4-8; 1Corinthians 1:10-13; 3:4-9; 12; Galatians 5:22-23; Ephesians 4:3-8.