New YRM Addition

As most of you know, the meeting hall we currently use is original to our facility, built sixteen years ago when we were much smaller.

Many who visit are surprised at the relatively small size of our sanctuary. We have purposely waited to expand this room until needed. Currently, the meeting hall is no longer adequate for the Festivals. We are forced to split our congregation between the meeting hall and fellowship hall for services, with those in the fellowship hall forced to watch a video feed.

Also, our stage is far too small for our music ministry. This becomes even more apparent when we are celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles or Unleavened Bread. The stage is even too small for our weekly Sabbath, so it gets crazy during the Feasts. 

We also do not have enough room for our children’s classes or dining during the Feasts. We have a solution that has been factored into our current footprint. We are planning to expand our meeting hall (removing the back wall) and use our current sanctuary for expanded dining and, if needed, more meeting hall chairs during events. This will be an intermediate zone between fellowship and meeting areas. With this expansion, we will also have a basement, which will allow our children’s class to meet downstairs with more than enough space. Because of the cost and work involved, we will be building the expansion in two phases. We have several members who are skilled in construction and contracting. Some of the construction will be subbed out as well. We have already begun re-routing electric lines thanks to donations. 

Because we will be doing much of the work ourselves, we will be breaking this project into phases.

Phase 1 (COMPLETE) Planning and excavation

Phase 2 (COMPLETE) Shell and metal etc… 

Phase 3 (IN PROGRESS) January 2025 update! We have completed the exterior metal and most of the interior framing. We have also completed all the closed-cell spray foam insulation. Our HVAC contractor has started installing equipment. Glass and doors are scheduled to be installed soon. The electrical and plumbing has begun by the YRM crew. When this phase is complete the building will be ready for use but not fully finished and attached to the old building. That will come after.

Equipment upgrade for the video and broadcast system will be needed but not required to finish this project.

Please check out the video below for more details on this project!

Building Renders / Concepts

New Expansion Floor Plans

You can see on the floor plans just how much bigger this new addition will be. A few problems with the current design are made evident when looking at these plans. 1st, there is a severe bottleneck in the bottom left where our current sanctuary meets the fellowship hall. With this new addition, we will be able to not only alleviate much of the congestion in this area. But nearly double both seating and dining space.

Main Meeting Hall Expansion

Here we have some 3D renders to help visualize what we are planning. We hope to nearly double the seating in the main sanctuary while doubling the seating for dining and other activities. 

*Renders were done by a 3rd party; final build is subject to change.

New Basement Expansion

Due to the way the land lies , we will also have to build out a full basement, but this will go a long way to help facilitate more dining, extra room for children’s classes, and extra storage. The security team will have their own space as well.  

Construction Photos

Check out the progress so far! Concrete has been poured, falls framed, trusses set, metal installed, and interior is mostly framed!

We are hopeful we will be able to finish this project and be able to offer an even greater experience for those who come to visit. We thank you for your support!

For those who feel led to donate towards this project, just know that construction has begun and 100% of all donations made to this endeavor will be IMMEDIATELY used towards its completion. 

You can also download our app and donate using the “Give” function as well. DOWNLOAD APP

Most online donations are subject to various fees that are out of our control. If you want to make sure YRM gets 100% of your donation, you can send a check or money order to PO Box 463, Holts Summit, MO 65043. (Please specify “Building Fund” in the memo.)

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$350,000Raised $208,103 towards the $350,000 target.$208,103Raised $208,103 towards the $350,000 target.59%

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