I’m waiting for my Redeemer. I’m watching for his return                                                       

I keep waiting; I keep watching; I keep looking for signs that he gave

And I’m trusting my soul he will save  

I’m believing in all he has promised. I’m receiving blessings each day

I’m believing, I’m receiving, in the end all his words will come true

And I’m hoping His words will find you


So, come Messiah, come…         

‘Cause this old world is getting me down

I feel like a stranger, and a wanderer, like an alien homeward bound… 

I’m just waiting for that trumpet sound

I’m waiting for my Yahshua. I’m watching for his return

I keep waiting, I keep watching. I keep wondering how long it will be

’Cause from this world, then I’ll be free


So, come Messiah, come…         

‘Cause this old world is getting me down

I feel like a stranger, and a wanderer, like an alien homeward bound… 

I’m just waiting for that trumpet sound


I feel like a stranger, and a wanderer, like an alien homeward bound

I’m just waiting for that trumpet sound

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