
Prayer Request

As a Ministry, we believe in the power of prayer. Please submit your prayer request below and keep those seeking Yahweh’s help and guidance in prayer.

Please note, all prayer requests are moderated in order to prevent spam from being summitted. If you submit a prayer request, it might take a little time before we have an opportunity to approve it. Please avoid submitting multiple requests for the same prayer.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Shalom! URGENT prayer request: Overnight financial breakthrough to prevent eviction, restore my phone service, and the needed funds for an Uber vehicle rental as an income source, as well as a parking garage to avoid tickets. I am an Uber driver in good standing, but I have no vehicle with which to work. An Uber rental vehicle would fill that gap, allowing me to have an income to stay afloat. Also, I need a hedge of protection around me against any bad blood between me and my landlord or anyone I am indebted to because of sudden income loss. Thank you!

Received: April 13, 2024

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto Elohim.” – Phil 4:6

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