Q&A – Biblical Calander

Projected 2025 Calendar

Projected 2025 Calendar

2025 Feast Dates: * Passover Memorial: April 12 (evening) * Feast of Unleavened Bread: April 14 – 20 Feast of ...
New Moon

7th Month New Moon Spotted!

The New Moon of the 7th month as been spotted by a few dozen brethren in Holts Summit MO! ...

Why do you use the barley to determine the start of the year?

  Why do you use the barley to determine the start of the year? To begin the month, do you ...
conjunction vs crescent moon

No Moon vs. New Moon – the Conjunction vs. the Visible Crescent

No Moon vs. New Moon – the Conjunction vs. the Visible Crescent Does Yahweh set His months and Feasts by ...
the Millennium

Would a Friday Passover place the wavesheaf before the Resurrection?

Q.   According to Sadduces’ method of starting the count, does this mean that when the 14th falls on a Friday, you ...
How does the lights in the firmament determine or "brings about the seasons”?

How does the lights in the firmament determine or “brings about the seasons”?

     In your Passover booklet you state: “It is true that the sun divides day from night and brings ...

I read your article on the Equinox and was wondering why you teach the first biblical month begins with the barley and new moon in light of Genesis 1:14

     I read your article on the Equinox and was wondering why you teach the first biblical month begins ...
13th month

I’m still trying to find in the Bible where it mentions 13 months. Where do you find proof for this?

     I’m still trying to find in the Bible where it mentions 13 months. Where do you find proof ...
How do you use the barley and new moon to determine the biblical year?

How do you use the barley and new moon to determine the biblical year?

     How do you actually measure when the barley is starting to be ready signifying the beginning of the ...