Q&A – Sabbath


Why do you use the barley to determine the start of the year?

  Why do you use the barley to determine the start of the year? To begin the month, do you ...
Yahweh's Restoration Ministry

Is Feast Keeping Only Symbolic?

  I know a group who believe in the weekly Sabbath but teach that Zechariah 14:16-17 says that only the ...
the Millennium

How do you explain those passages, along with early Church Fathers, confirming that Sunday was observed in the New Testament?

Q.   You’re being dishonest and twisting Acts 17, while avoiding passages which show a Sunday resurrection.  In Acts 17, Paul ...
the Millennium

What are the main differences between YRM and Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Q.   What are the main differences between YRM and Jehovah’s Witnesses? A.  There are several differences between YRM and the ...
physical exercise

Are physical exercise and sports permitted on the Sabbath?

     Are physical exercise and sports permitted on the Sabbath?      We do not believe that exercise and ...
Why is it that some people cannot accept the Truth of Scripture?

Why is it that some people cannot accept the Truth of Scripture?

     Why is it that some cannot accept the Truth? Also, please help me understand what laws are required/not ...
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