O daughters of Zion, O Abraham’s sons. Hear the words of your Father,
Hear His promise of love
I will make you a blessing, Count the stars if you can. You will be a great nation,
I will give you this land
I will bring you back home, I’ll bring you back home, oh my children
You will no longer roam, lost and alone in the night
There is nothing on earth that could take you away,
Once I gather you under my wings I will bring you all back home again
Though you’ve wandered like strangers, To the ends of the earth
I will send you a savior, I will finish my work
You have no other shepherd, You have no other king. Green pastures are waiting…
in Zion once more
I will bring you back home, I’ll bring you back home, oh my children
You will no longer roam, lost and alone in the night
There is nothing on earth that could take you away,
Once I gather you under my wings
I will bring you all back home