Q&A – Prophecy

the Millennium

Who are the two witnesses, how long will they prophesy, and what is their mission?

Q.   I’ve come across a lot of teaching via other resources and teachings about the two witnesses in Revelation 11:3-13 ...
the Millennium

You state that sacrifices will be restored in the Millennium. Didn’t the Messiah’s sacrifice cover the sins of all of mankind, past, present, and future?

Q.   In my study of the scriptures, I do not believe that the animal sacrifices will be practiced during the ...
the Millennium

Does Matthew 27:52 verify that there will be three resurrections?

Q.   The order given in 1 Corinthians 15 is 1) Messiah, 2) firstfruits, and 3) those at the Messiah’s Coming ...
the Millennium

What is the meaning of “Wormwood” and Revelation 8:11?

Q.   I’ve been reading Revelation and I came across the name Wormwood. However, it seems to be both a name ...

How does the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ understanding of the antichrist compare to yours?

     How does the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ understanding of the antichrist compare to yours?  https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/antichrist/ (This is a link to the ...
Will there be people living after the Millennium and White Throne Judgment of Messiah?

Will there be people living after the Millennium and White Throne Judgment of Messiah?

     Will there be common people (flesh and blood) living after the Millennium and White Throne Judgment of Messiah? ...
I was curious as to your view of the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem?

I was curious as to your view of the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem?

     I was curious as to your view of the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem? Is it ...
Who will the saints be ruling over in the Millennium?

Who will the saints be ruling over in the Millennium?

     Who will the saints be ruling over in the Millennium?      The Bible shows that a certain ...
You speak a lot about the Millennial Kingdom and what takes place there, but what happens after the Millennium?

You speak a lot about the Millennial Kingdom and what takes place there, but what happens after the Millennium?

     You speak a lot about the Millennial Kingdom and what takes place there, but what happens after the ...