You speak a lot about the Millennial Kingdom and what takes place there, but what happens after the Millennium?

     You speak a lot about the Millennial Kingdom and what takes place there, but what happens after the Millennium?


    In the Book of Revelation Yahweh details events that follow the Millennium. The White Throne judgment will immediately follow the Millennium. At that time Satan, the man of sin, and death are all destroyed in the lake of fire, Revelation 20:7-15. Then Yahweh will come to earth in the New Jerusalem, characteristics of that holy city are:

  • There will be no more sorrow (21:4).
  • All things will be made new (21:5).
  • Overcomers will inherit all things (21:7).
  • The wicked will be destroyed in the lake of fire (21:8).

The 21st chapter should begin in verse 9, with the forementioned verses a continuation of chapter 20. The Greek text did not have chapter divisions, which were developed by Stephen Langton, an Archbishop of Canterbury around C.E. 1227. The Wycliffe English Bible of 1382 was the first Bible to use this chapter pattern.

Revelation 21:9-22:7 describes the New Jerusalem, with Yahweh dwelling on earth.

The Tree of Life shown in Genesis reappears at that time, bearing fruit each month and producing leaves that will heal (22:2). We find it significant that a majority of pharmaceuticals today are plant-based.

Yahweh’s Name will be in the foreheads of the people (22:4), just as it was on the miter of the high priest, Exodus 28:36-38.

Only those who keep Yahweh’s laws will have right to the Tree of Life and can enter the holy city (22:14).

The latter parts of Ezekiel chapters 37 and 48 also discuss post-Millennial Jerusalem.

Posted in Q&A - Death Afterlife, Q&A - Prophecy.
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7 years ago

Wil the saints go through the tribulation?

7 years ago

Will the saints be in the tribulation or not/

Juancho Dalen
Juancho Dalen
7 years ago

is there common people (flesh and blood) living outside the kingdom after the mellenium and white throne judgement of Messiah?