First, should my tithe be given every time I receive a paycheck and as soon as I receive a payment? I prefer to pay my tithe to you, since you all have enlightened me with this information. Also, as you may know it is common for Christians to have their children baptized at a young age, such as when I knew none of the information I know now. But I also read that after baptism if you stray away then you have turned your back on Him.
First, should my tithe be given every time I receive a paycheck and as soon as I receive ...
I did not see any material about tithing and the tithe. If you have an opinion about what the “biblical” tithe is I would appreciate hearing what you believe the tithe actually is (I will say that I think it is much more difficult than most realize, but you may have figured it out.) I am not referring to the principle of tithing, but to the actual “tithe.”
I did not see any material about tithing and the tithe. If you have an opinion about what ...