greek influence in christianity

Churchianity’s Grecianized Worship

One of the major barriers to understanding the correct teaching of Yahweh’s Word is the simple fact that the Western world looks at the Scriptures through Western eyes. In truth, the Bible is about Middle Eastern people and their Hebrew-centered beliefs in the Mighty One named Yahweh.

Because of doctrinal derailment by the Adversary, most churchgoers today don’t recognize the truth when it hits them squarely between the eyes. They have swallowed hook, line, and sinker so many falsehoods for so long that when the truth is presented to them it seems strange and unbelievable.

It started when the Roman church found Biblical truths rooted in a Hebrew faith distasteful. Anti-Semitism was strong. That the Roman church had a “Jewish” Messiah at its center was an inescapable fact that the church fathers avoided like a dark secret.

To distance itself from its Hebraic roots, the early church created a new “sabbath” day and called it Sunday – the L-rd’s Day – with the justification that the Savior rose on Sunday. To reinforce this doctrine the church revamped another observance, the Hebraic Passover,  into a Latinized-Grecianized Easter observance. Other Biblical holy days were replaced by pagan celebrations that came to be called “holidays.” And New Testament writings, mostly by a Hebrew named Shau’l (a name altered to the Grecianized “Paul”) were twisted to support a whole array of unscriptural doctrines and Greek philosophy of men like Plato.

Torn from their Israelite roots and joined to a European culture, the Apostles are made to look as if they wrote their epistles on the steps of Roman basilicas. The question becomes, is the Bible a Hebrew book, a Greek book, a Latin book or a hopeless mixture? And how is the Truth reflected?

Hebrew is the language of the oldest Old Testament manu-scripts. Greek is the preeminent language of  the New Testament (though not the original  New Testament lan-guage). Therefore, in the minds of many the Bible is a book with a first section reflecting Hebraic faith and a new section reflecting a Grecian set of beliefs and practices.

This has been the major belief for centuries, even though the New Testament was written by Hebrews about Hebrew people who spoke Hebrew and lived in an Israelite society. That the oldest New Testament manuscrips in existence are in Greek does not mean they were composed in Greek. Keep in mind that the oldest available manuscripts of the Old Testament were in Greek also, until even older Dead Sea Scrolls were found with their Old Testament text in Hebrew.

Implied in today’s majority teachings is that the New Testament included progressive Jews who were in the process of switching from their Israelite faith to Greek thinking and beliefs. In this supposed reform process they were giving up the Sabbath for Sunday, Passover for Easter, other Feasts for Xmas, and obedience to the law for grace and faith alone.

But this presents a huge problem. We find that the Sabbath is still in effect in the New Testament, along with the Feasts and the law. We find Shau’l himself teaching that the law is not made void but is established, Romans 3:31. Even if it is argued that the Feasts and law were on their way out, why do we find them in the prophecies of the coming millennial Kingdom still being followed and enforced? Read Isaiah 66, Ezekiel 45, Micah 4:2; Zechariah 14.

Yahweh made a covenant with Israel and Israel only. Other peoples and nations may join in that agreement called the New Covenant through a grafting in process. To do that they obey the same laws given to Israel and accept the other terms of the covenant. May YOU  join with those who today are seeking Him through a pure and obedient heart.

Posted in Truth or Tradition.
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Kevin Balow
Kevin Balow
5 days ago

Many church-types are baffled and puzzled by the Hebraic foundations of the Bible. They mock and scoff at the meaning of Hebrew names. They are puzzled by the Name of YHWH as well as Yahshua.