As little chickens you were under my feet,
As I scurried around to find you something to eat.
The messes we made kept me busy all day,
Washing and cooking while you romped and played.

Moments in time that passed in a hurry,
Never to happen again.  Now it’s so blurry.
What happened to my children?
O where has time gone?

Where are my sweet children that gave me such joy?
Where is the laughter of my little boy?
Their sweet little hands, their tiny little feet,
Their chubby little tummies and chubby little cheeks.

From babies to children to grownups they grew.
At the time it seemed forever;
Now the process is through.
It’s not possible to go back, if only I could.
To spend the day with them, I surely would.

Pictures of the past, precious moments in time,
Only to be remembered, never to happen again.
If I could only turn back the time,
Knowing what I know today, I would try so very hard
To be a better mother in every-way.

By: Brenda Riddle

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Posted in Come to the Garden.
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