the Millennium

Nehemia Gordon, a Karaite Jew, has now discovered over 1,000 manuscripts with the proper pronunciation Yehovah. Considering this newfound evidence, why do you continue to use Yahweh?

Q.    Nehemia Gordon, a Karaite Jew, has now discovered over 1,000 manuscripts with the proper pronunciation Yehovah. Considering this newfound evidence, why do you continue to use Yahweh?

A.    There are several facts to acknowledge regarding Nehemia Gordon’s “new” finding. To begin with it’s not new. Secondly, all these Hebrew documents with the vowel points forming Yehovah are from the 9th century or later and part of the Masoretic manuscripts, i.e. Leningrad Codex, Aleppo Codex. According to the overwhelming majority of scholarship, the Masoretes purposefully added the vowel points from Adonai to the Tetragrammaton, forming the hybrid Yehovah (also rendered as Yehowah or Jehovah). First we need to clarify where these vowels come from. The Masoretes were not trying to preserve the name but replace the name with Adonai and Elohim through an orthographic device called Kativ Qere. This device is used in every synagogue every Sabbath as the torah is read. (See full vowels of Adonai vs. Elohim) To date we have never seen a scholarly reference or historic document from before the medieval timeframe confirming Yehovah.

Consider the following: “In the early Middle Ages, when the consonantal text of the Bible was supplied with vowel points to facilitate its correct traditional reading, the vowel points for Adonai with one variation – a sheva (short ‘e’) with the first yod [Y] of YHWH instead of the hataf-patah (short ‘a’) under the aleph of Adonai – was used for YHWH, thus producing the form YeHoWaH. When Christian scholars of Europe first began to study Hebrew they did not understand what this really meant, and they introduced the hybrid name ‘Jehovah’” (Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 7, p. 680).

“Jehovah, modern form of the Hebrew sacred name of God, probably originally ‘Yahweh.’ From c.300 B.C. the Jews, from motives of piety, uttered the name of God very rarely and eventually not at all, but substituted the title ‘Adonai,’ meaning ‘Lord,’ the vowels of which were written under the consonants of ‘Yahweh.’ In the Middle Ages and later, the vowels of one word with the consonants of the other were misread as Jehovah” (The Collegiate Encyclopedia, vol. 9, p. 580).

“Jehovah….What has been said explains the so-called qeri perpetuum, according to which the consonants of Jehovah are always accompanied in the Hebrew text by the vowels of Adonai except in the cases in which Adonai stands in apposition to Jehovah: in these cases the vowels of Elohim are substituted. The use of a simple shewa in the first syllable of Jehovah, instead of the compound shewa in the corresponding syllable of Adonai and Elohim, is required by the rules of Hebrew grammar governing the use of Shewa” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. VIII, p. 329).

“Jehovah, an erroneous pronunciation of the name of the God of Israel in the Bible, due to pronouncing the vowels of the term ‘Adonay,’ the marginal Masoretic reading with the consonants of the text-reading ‘Yahweh,’ which was not uttered to avoid the profanation of the divine name of magical or other blasphemous purposes. Hence the substitution of ‘Adonay,’ the ‘Lord,’ or ‘Adonay Elohim,’ ‘Lord God.’ The oldest Greek versions use the term ‘Kurios,’ ‘Lord,’ the exact translation of the current Jewish substitute for the original Tetragrammaton Yahweh. The reading ‘Jehovah’ can be traced to the early Middle Ages and until lately was said to have been invented by Peter Gallatin (1518), confessor of Pope Leo X. Recent writers, however, trace it to an earlier date; it is found in Raymond Martin’s Pugeo Fidei (1270)” (Encyclopedia Americana, vol. 16, p. 8.).

“The pronunciation you mentioned [i.e., Yehovah] is a mistake. The Hebrew consonantal text is YHWH and no one really knows how that was pronounced in Old Testament times. At a later date (the latter half of the 2nd millennium CE) Masoretes added vowel signs to the consonantal text. Whenever the Tetragrammaton was written, they added the vowel signs of the word “Adonay,” which means “My Lord” – there was a taboo on pronouncing the Divine name and one was supposed to read the word “Adonay – my Lord.” Much later some started reading the vowel signs together with YHWH and came up with the nonsensical word Jehovah” (email correspondence between Professor Fassberg and Pastor Randy Folliard). Note: Professor Fassberg, Ph.D., is one of the leading professors at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem within its Hebrew language department.

In addition to the fact that scholarship nearly universally confirms that the Masoretes added the vowel points from Adonai to the Tetragrammaton, another issue with Yehovah is that there are other variants based on the vowel pointing within the Masoretic manuscripts. For example, the Leningrad Codex contains at least six different spellings for the divine name. Similar evidence can also be found within the Aleppo and other codices. The fact that we find different pronunciations within the Masoretic manuscripts confirms that they cannot be trusted.

Another issue with Yehovah and this claim of a 1,000 manuscripts is that the pronunciation Yahweh is confirmed within Greek documents from church fathers and Gnostic writings 700 years before the Masoretic documents.

One such example from the Gnostic library is The Secret Book of John. Within this codex, it mentions the name Yahweh and notes, “Eloim and Yawe, two names of God in the Hebrew scriptures…. Yahweh is the name of God (based on the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable four-letter name)” (Dr. Marvin Meyer, The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, p. 127).

The Secret Book of John dates to the second century, as it was known to the church father Irenaeus. This was the same timeframe as Clement of Alexandria, who also confirmed the name. Even though Gnosticism was rightly deemed heretical by the early church, it is another witness to the pronunciation of Yahweh. The fact that these groups were at odds, but agreed on “Yahweh,” is significant and adds credence to this pronunciation. It verifies that “Yahweh” was widely recognized as early as the second century.

Evidence for the short form “Yah” is also found in early Greek documents of the Septuagint, part of the Dead Sea collection, dating to 1 BCE.

Based on these facts, the number of manuscripts found with the vowel points of Yehovah is irrelevant. Scholarship confirms that Yehovah is a hybrid that arose through the vowel points of Adonai. Additionally, antiquity confirms the pronunciation Yahweh through Greek inscriptions dating back to the 2nd century CE, 700 years before any manuscript containing Yehovah.

For additional information, read our online article: The Yehovah Deception.

Also, watch our videos:

Posted in Q&A - Sacred name.
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Dan Barker
Dan Barker
6 years ago

I understand a manuscript of Mathew has been found that is written in Hebrew and shows the vowel points for YaHoVa not Yaweh-this was introduced by Michael Rood–your comment on this would be appreciated and why do you want to discredit Nehemia Gordon? You showed no valued proof only heresay,I have Don’s bible and he uses the name Yahweh all thru his texts-which I found no trouble with.-which leads me to think something is amiss in using him as a reference.It makes me no difference how people use His name -it won’t cause loss or gain of salvation either way-I… Read more »

Reply to  YRM
6 years ago

Your reason given for the behavior of Gordon is the same one I came up with several years ago. How can anyone listen to one that doesn’t believe in Yahshua? In addition, ‘all’ Jews don’t want the Father’s real name to be known and this Yehovah name should be regarded as a decoy to hide the truth.

Further, when one takes apart the name of Yehovah, one finds it represents wickedness, perverseness, etc all characteristics that are certainly NOT of Elohim.

Clarence Archer
Clarence Archer
Reply to  Dan Barker
6 years ago

There is also a Hebrew Luke and 4 pages from John in Hebrew as well. You would know that if you were a pure researcher. It’s hard to kick against the prick.

Research Nehemiah Gordon on YouTube and let go if your bias.

Reply to  Dan Barker
6 years ago

There is an article, written by John K. McKee, titled “Is the Hebrew Matthew
an Authentic Document?”, that shows that Nehemia Gordon is in error regarding this.

You can download it from here:

(Note: He uses Yeshua and not the correct Yahshua).


6 years ago

Good answer and I like the fact that you revealed the source of the manuscripts.Defiantly can’t put our faith In an Individual like Mr.Gordan.

Katya Cohen
Katya Cohen
6 years ago

A few of your refutation points are entirely invalid. The “Gnostic library” citation is worthless. You can’t attack (ad hominem at that) Gordon for not being Messianic and therefore untrustworthy when you’re citing texts from a heretical movement (Gnosticism IS heresy). And the last point, regarding Gordon being a Karaite… that’s an ad hominem attack… “Attack the speaker not his message” which is generally a tactic used to dismiss a person without discussing their comment and/or statements- While you DID do that above, this tactic is low-brow and tends to be reserved for those without confidence in their position or without sufficient… Read more »

Reply to  YRM
5 years ago

Honestly your attitude puts me off. People who truly seek God’s will ought to be enlightening others with an attitude bringing forth as much evidence as possible in a non attacking manner.
Responding with sarcasm does not help your cause. It only makes you look childish

Christopher Howard
Christopher Howard
Reply to  YRM
5 years ago

They are valid.

Jennifer Roberson
Jennifer Roberson
6 years ago

Some friends had recommended Rood, but I couldn’t watch more than a few minutes, as they tried to sell their “products” on the Sabbath. I mentioned this and the friends said, well you choose whether to buy on the Sabbath or not. True, but for a “ministry” to market their wares on Sabbath is a No for me. And I definitely do not trust the teachings of someone who denies the Messiah. I do however trust the teachings of YRM as they line up with scripture.

Michael Thomas
6 years ago

Nehemia Gordon’s associations are really most unfortunate. A short clip of him explaining his ideas about the Name is shown in a German film about Jehovah’s Witnesses, The name of God. I tried to warn him that this would do his reputation no good, but it seems he was happy that his ‘friends’ agreed with him on the Name. He is also, as already pointed out, associated with Michael Rood, a most disreputable character with a history of false prophecies and past association with a cult called The Way International. In trying to research Gordon’s claims it has been so… Read more »

Sherri Garcia
Sherri Garcia
Reply to  Michael Thomas
6 years ago

Thank you Michael Thomas for your words of truth about Mr. Rood. I have expressed the same to people I love in Hope’s the seeds will lead them also to truth about Mr. Rood.
Blessings from Payson AZ Sherri

Jennifer Howell
Jennifer Howell
Reply to  Michael Thomas
5 years ago

If you want to know more about Michael Rood, check out a YouTube video titled Michael Rood exposed. I watched it recently and it discusses his associations in his early years with The Way and why he left that organization.

Tehillim 130
Tehillim 130
6 years ago

Not even once in any hebrew manuscripts are the Yahweh, what is your suource that creator’s name is Yahweh? At least Nehemiah thuosends of hebrew documents with full wowel and I think 4000 times in Aleppo codex with YeH-VaH with the missing wowel. What’s your suource for Yahweh ? So be careful what you say and think about His name!

Reply to  YRM
5 years ago

Can you explain, if the pronunciation Yehovah is not correct, why the following names composed with the Name of the God of Israel have the pronunciation Yeho? Yehoaddan (2 Cro 25:1) Yehoajaz (2 Re 10:35) Yehoash (2 Re 11:21) Yehojanan (1 Cro 26:3) Yehoiakin (2 Re 24:6) Yehoiada (2 Samuel 8:18) Yehoiakim (2 Re 23:34) Yehoiarib (1 Cro 9:10) Yehonadab (2 Re 10:15) Yehonatan (1 Cro27:25) Yehoram (1 Re 22:50) Yehosef (Sal 81:5/6) Yehoshabeat (2 Cro 22:11) Yehoshafat (2 Sa 8:16) Yehosheba (2 Re 11:2) Yehoshua (Nm 13:16) Yehozabad (2 Re 12:21) Yehozadak (1 Cro 6:14) These names have not… Read more »

Rozain Casie-Chitty
Rozain Casie-Chitty
Reply to  YRM
5 years ago

He did not “find” all those documents. He was a authorized intern to vet the manuscripts

Israel Omotayo
Israel Omotayo
6 years ago

May YAHWEH bless you for the good work you are doing. Shalom.

roberto bouman
roberto bouman
Reply to  Israel Omotayo
6 years ago

this already clear for many years….

Joshua D La Russa
Joshua D La Russa
6 years ago

What I do not understand is how any one can just go on a “most likely”? In other words, since all we have is YHWH, then no one knows what His name is. And who did the Jews think they were to take away the name? It’s not up to them to prevent people from breaking the 3rd commandment. Why not take away all the commandments so that no one could sin? They say they took it away so that no one could profane it, but that’s not up to them. That’s between God and the sinner. In conclusion, YHWH… Read more »

BJ DiMick
BJ DiMick
Reply to  Joshua D La Russa
5 years ago

Nehemiah Gordon is not a heretic, and he has not “denied” the Messiah; however, he has not yet acknowledged Him, claiming to be an agnostic Karaite. He doesn’t deserve character assassination. Everyone, please speak your truths with love, Let’s appreciate Nehemiah’s research efforts and search for truth. God’s grace teaches us to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age. We also should watch what we speak out of our mouths, being careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit with ungodly words.

yahka mba
6 years ago

I have looked at the pronunciation of the Holy Name in Hebrew Grammar. See

Christof Bucherer
5 years ago

I disagree with the invention of Yahweh, which has been created since Wilhelm Gesenius. I agree with Nehemia Gordon, who has studied Yehovah for over 20 years. I started publishing a Bible with Yehovah one year ago. Here it is:

Christof Bucherer
5 years ago

Ok, thanks for presenting my former article again. You then can delete my remark here now.

Rozain Casie-Chitty
Rozain Casie-Chitty
5 years ago

Please listen to Nehemiah Gordon’s testimony on how he interned as a aide to vet the Hebrew manuscripts when he found the Name Yehowah/Yehovah (which had been left in certain places in the scripts).

Ask The LORD to teach you and lead you AS HE HAS PROMISED – Matthew 23:8-10, before you believe anything. The site is presented as though it will allow people to freely comment. If any person chooses to be dishonest in this matter may The Justice of The LORD prevail.

Christopher Howard
Christopher Howard
Reply to  YRM
5 years ago

First off let me say that am not saying I agree with Gordon’s findings, but I also don’t agree with the reasons given for Yahweh. That being said, here is my question/statement. You mention in some of your responses on here that it isn’t wise to trust/use someone who doesn’t believe in the Messiah as a source of information (and I see the merit in that) yet at the same time you seem to put a lot of stock (if not total trust) in the “scholars” who also don’t believe in the Messiah to prove your point. Now if these… Read more »

5 years ago

Is it true that scribes when writing the most Highs name would tear out that section if it was at all misspelled? And attach new parchment. So not writing in ALL the vowels would be intended to not blaspheme his name and because all the vowels were added in some portions and left alone would mean his name would be correct as Yehovah? If the vowels were to over mislead to not use his name correctly then having it say Yehovah and leaving it in place would mean they spelt it correctly and wouldn’t dare change something that was correct.… Read more »

5 years ago

I imagine you have alot more to lose if you are wrong on his name spelling. All your bibles. All your teaching. What would nehemiah lose if he was wrong? I don’t watch michael roode but why is he being smashed because of past affiliation? I am curious of your past lifestyle before following yeshua? Would it be ok to hold that against you? I bought your bible 8 years ago. Some of your commentary changes an unchanging God pertaining to statutes that are statutes forever. Pertaining to Temple services. Remember Matthew 5:17 is to be reminded of towards everyone… Read more »

4 years ago

Ezekiel 7:26 and Isaiah 47:11 has the word Hovah ho-vaw meaning disaster in Hebrew הָוה any where in Hebrew you see this letter it always sounds like V not like W and you go to Greek and Gnostic sources plus the another ones in pagan religions to force the pronounce Weh i’m yah weh No doubt yahu was used as well as pronunciation of the Divine name, but this Yahweh pronounce it is just … Nehemia Gordon, has now discovered over 1,000 manuscripts with the proper pronunciation Yehovah. Considering this newfound evidence, plus many More or you be humble and… Read more »

Ted Bruckner
Ted Bruckner
Reply to  YRM
3 years ago

Good info. Additionally, in the Dead Sea scrolls are the Tetragrammaton in paleo-Hebrew in a few places in copies of the (Greek) Septuagint. And the paleo-Hebrew alphabet and Greek alphabet (which has for all intents and purposes stayed the same) are so similar as to be practically the same.
I found that the paleo-Hebrew letter W in the Tetragrammaton corresponds to the (now-retired) Greek letter Digamma which has a wau, waw sound.

Mr. Me
Mr. Me
3 years ago

1000 times more evidence than is available for Yahweh. Nehemia has already exposed the origin of Yahweh. If it was God’s name we shall use it but there is no honest reason to.

Ted Bruckner
Ted Bruckner
Reply to  YRM
3 years ago

You said it! I am grateful for your work. Thanks. God Bless. What do you think of : The Septuagint Exodus 3:14 And God spoke to Moses, saying, I Am He Who Is [ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν (ego eimi ho on)]; and he said, Thus shall ye say to the children of Israel, He Who Is has sent me to you.                                                           ὁ (ho) masc., ἡ fem. (hē), τό neuter (tó) – (relative, Epic, Ionic, poetic Attic) who, which, that.         ὤν (ṓn) – 1. present participle of εἰμί (eimí). 2. actual, real.   St. Justin Martyr, First Apology, Chapter 6, [circa 150 AD]… Read more »

Rod James
Rod James
2 years ago

So this guy wants me to believe that only HE had access to these manuscripts (and no one else) and was translating them for the first time ever? Then to go further and say that one of the Rabbis that worked to hide God’s name was one of his direct ancestors?

I know BS when I see it

Bill H
Bill H
2 years ago

you guys are the problem with the so called “messianic” movement today. People like Nehemia ( and there are plenty of others…Keith Johnson, Brad Scott, Jeff Benner, Skip Moen) are Hebrew scholars, textual critics and understand the history and culture of the Jewish people and language far ahead of any wanna be self proclaimed leaders in the western culture who think they know more than these people. You are so deceived and arrogant! You are misleading so many people because of your pride and lack of wisdom.