If no one has gone to heaven what about Enoch and Elijah, who were translated to heaven? Also, please explain the transfiguration in Matthew 17 where Moses and Elijah are talking to a transfigured Yahshua.
If no one has gone to heaven what about Enoch and Elijah, who were translated to heaven? Also, ...
What is Your Stance on Cremation?
I’m 65 years old now and planning for my funeral arrangements. And because my finances are small & cremation ...
What the does the Bible say about the immortality of the soul?
Q. Do you believe that mankind has an immortal soul? Many churches teach as their doctrine that when a person ...
Does Matthew 27:52 verify that there will be three resurrections?
Q. The order given in 1 Corinthians 15 is 1) Messiah, 2) firstfruits, and 3) those at the Messiah’s Coming ...
I read your article, Final Judgement of the Last Great Day. Are you suggesting that all the evil people who have died will be given the chance to repent during the Last Great Day or final judgment of mankind?
Q. I read your article, Final Judgement of the Last Great Day. Are you suggesting that all the evil people ...
Is hell a real place or just a pagan notion adopted by early Christianity?
Is hell a real place or just a pagan notion adopted by early Christianity? Also, does the Bible ...
Will there be people living after the Millennium and White Throne Judgment of Messiah?
Will there be common people (flesh and blood) living after the Millennium and White Throne Judgment of Messiah? ...
Is there a difference between the soul and the spirit of man?
Is there a difference between the soul and the spirit of man? The word “soul” comes ...
You speak a lot about the Millennial Kingdom and what takes place there, but what happens after the Millennium?
You speak a lot about the Millennial Kingdom and what takes place there, but what happens after the ...