the Millennium

I read your article, Final Judgement of the Last Great Day. Are you suggesting that all the evil people who have died will be given the chance to repent during the Last Great Day or final judgment of mankind?

Q.   I read your article, Final Judgement of the Last Great Day. Are you suggesting that all the evil people who have died will be given the chance to repent during the Last Great Day or final judgment of mankind?

A.   We are not suggesting that all people will be given a chance in the Second Resurrection or judgment, as mentioned in Revelation 22:11-15. The Bible states there that we’ll be judged based on our works, i.e., whether we lived a life of righteousness based on Yahweh’s Word.

In addition to works, we also believe that knowledge plays a role in judgment. Yahshua the Messiah in John 9:41 told the Pharisees, “…If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.” Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, does not judge us when we are genuinely ignorant. However, once we know, we have an obligation to obey and if we openly rebel, we will be judged for it. James 4:17 states, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

Regarding the evil people who have died, depending on their infraction, repentance may not be possible. For example, we do not see much hope for people like Adolph Hitler who ruthlessly slaughtered millions of people. Second Peter 2:12 states, “But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.”

In short, the Bible confirms that all of mankind will be judged based on their works with consideration of what they understood. For those who may not have misunderstood key biblical truths, but who stilled lived a life of honesty and virtue, we believe they will be given the chance to learn and grow in the Word. However, for the person who lived a deplorable or wicked life in full knowledge, they will be judged accordingly.

For additional insight, visit our Q&A page.

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Posted in Q&A - Salvation, Q&A - Death Afterlife.
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Israel Omotayo
Israel Omotayo
6 years ago

This is an excellent explanation. Rev. 19 v 20 makes it clear that the anti-Messiah & the false prophet will be burnt in the lake of fire at Yahshua’s 2nd coming.No other chance of repentance for them.

6 years ago

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