Q&A – Passover – Feasts

How the Bible Defines Leavening

How the Bible Defines Leavening

In this article we will examine the meaning of leavening. For the last 20 years, this ministry has viewed leavening ...
Yahweh's Restoration Ministry

I hear that one group keeps a Passover meal together just before taking the emblems of the Passover. Is this scriptural?

     I hear that one group keeps a Passover meal together just before taking the emblems of the Passover ...
Yahweh's Restoration Ministry

Is Feast Keeping Only Symbolic?

  I know a group who believe in the weekly Sabbath but teach that Zechariah 14:16-17 says that only the ...
the Millennium

What are the main differences between YRM and Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Q.   What are the main differences between YRM and Jehovah’s Witnesses? A.  There are several differences between YRM and the ...
the Millennium

Would a Friday Passover place the wavesheaf before the Resurrection?

Q.   According to Sadduces’ method of starting the count, does this mean that when the 14th falls on a Friday, you ...

How often should communion be observed? Does the communion simply replace the Passover?

     How often should communion be observed? Does the communion simply replace the Passover sacrifice and therefore is to ...