There are some who hold the view that the Messiah did not eat a Passover meal as the lamb was not killed until the afternoon of the 14th with the meal actually taking place on the evening/night of the 15th. Does Scripture support this?
There are some who hold the view that the Messiah did not eat a Passover meal as the ...

Should we eat a Passover dinner (Seder) along with the Passover emblems?
Should we eat a Passover dinner (Seder) along with the Passover emblems? Based on John 13:2, ...

Some people say that biblically we cannot keep the feasts without being in Israel and without a priest. Is this true?
Some people say that biblically we cannot keep the feasts without being in Israel and without a priest ...

Why is it that some people cannot accept the Truth of Scripture?
Why is it that some cannot accept the Truth? Also, please help me understand what laws are required/not ...

Why is Shavuot also called the Feast of Weeks? Why multiple names?
I’m confused, why is Shavuot also called the Feast of Weeks? Why multiple names? Shavuot, Feast ...

Being that we are all saved by grace, why do we need to keep the Feasts?
Being that we are all saved by grace, why do we need to keep the Feasts? ...

Is keeping the Feasts legalism?
Does the keeping of the Feasts bring us back to legalism when we have been saved only by ...

Can we observe the Feast of Tabernacles at home and must we keep the entire Feast?
Can we observe the Feast of Tabernacles at home and must we keep the entire Feast? ...

Is the “night to be much observed” a separate observance from the Passover memorial and Feast of Unleavened Bread?
Is the “night to be much observed” a separate observance from the Passover memorial and Feast of Unleavened ...