Q&A – Trinity – Oneness

the Millennium

Doesn’t the word “God” refer to one singular divine being?

Q.   Doesn’t the word “God” refer to one singular divine being? If so, why do you say the Father and ...
the Millennium

Is the one you call Yahshua a lesser God to the Father? If so, doesn’t this mean you worship two Gods?

Q.   Is the one you call Yahshua a lesser God to the Father? If so, doesn’t this mean you worship ...

From where do you get the idea that the logos equals Yahshua the Messiah?

     From where do you get the idea that the logos equals Yahshua the Messiah? The plan of Yahweh ...
co-eternal and co-equal

As an ex-Muslim, are the Father and Son co-eternal and co-equal?

     As an ex-Muslim, are the Father and Son co-equal and co-eternal, as we find in the Trinity?   ...
Please explain the phrase, “…and the Word was G-d.” Also, based on Psalm 82:6, are human beings also divine?

Please explain the phrase, “…and the Word was G-d.” Also, based on Psalm 82:6, are human beings also divine?

     Please explain the phrase, “…and the Word was G-d.” Also, based on Psalm 82:6, are human beings also ...

Was Messiah worshiped as the Father in the New Testament?

    I’ve heard your Ministry state that the Messiah should not be worshiped like the Father. There are several ...
Based on the article, Trinity of Trouble, do you believe that the Son was created?

Based on the article, Trinity of Trouble, do you believe that the Son was created?

    Having read your article (Trinity of Trouble) Posted on May 5, 2017 by YRM I should like to ...
Is the Holy Spirit a Person?

Is the Holy Spirit a Person?

   In Acts 5:3 Peter accuses Ananias of lying to the Holy Spirit. Isn’t this proof that the Holy Spirit ...