Sacred Name

yehovah, gordon, adonai, full vowels, god's name,

The Man-Made Name Yehovah

A recent claim is that the full vowels for Yehovah have been found in ancient Hebrew manuscripts, thereby challenging the ...
The Sixth Letter, Waw or Vav?

The Sixth Letter, Waw or Vav?

Modern Hebrew uses a “vav” (v) for the sixth letter of its alphabet but anciently this wasn’t the case. Originally ...
Yahweh... It's Just a Name?

Yahweh… It’s Just a Name?

‘It’s Just a Name…’ Oh Really? A common argument that any name is acceptable for calling on the Heavenly Father ...
Breathing the Name Yahweh

Breathing the Name Yahweh

Is it possible that with every breath you take you are breathing the name Yahweh? It has been said the ...
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Does Gav Prove the Vav?

Nehemiah Gordon claims that the Hebrew word “gav” holds the key that unlocks the true pronunciation of the sixth letter ...
The Pagan Origins Of “God” And “Lord”

The Pagan Origins Of “God” And “Lord”

A Tight Collection Of Notes Regarding The Pagan Origins Of “God” And “Lord” and why rejection of them is most ...
Sacred Name

Bible Translations Endorse the Sacred Name

Bible Translations Endorse the Sacred Name, but Avoid It. “In regard to the divine name YHWH, commonly referred to as ...