What is the status of believers who have died not knowing our Father and Savior’s proper names? Are they not saved?

Second coming     What is the status of believers who have died not knowing our Father and Savior’s proper names? Are they not saved?

Second coming     Yahweh does not condemn those who are ignorant of His truth. This includes Yahweh and Yahshua’s name. There are two passages that verify this conclusion:

“Yahshua said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth,” John 9:41.

“And the times of this ignorance Elohim winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent.”

Yahshua in John 9:41 confirms that when we are blind to the truth, sin or perhaps more correctly, the condemnation of sin, does not exist. Yahweh does not condemn a person when they are blind or ignorant to His Word. However, as Acts 17:30 verifies, once we know the truth, we must repent.

For those who never had the opportunity to accept the names of Yahweh and Yahshua, assuming they lived a righteous life based on what they understood, they will be given an opportunity in the Second Resurrection, which will occur after the millennial Kingdom. At this time, all those, except for the elect who were resurrected to eternal life at Yahshua’s Second Coming, will be judged based on their works, Revelation 20:12. For those who never had the chance to hear the truth, but who lived a moral and pleasing life, they will be given a chance to accept and receive eternal life at at this time.

Posted in Q&A - Sacred name, Q&A - Messiah, Q&A - Salvation.
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6 years ago

Excellent Material.

2 years ago

All praise to the most high Yahusha. Yahweh does not condemn those who are ignorant of His truth