Why does Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry teach the Old Testament laws?

Why does Yahweh’s Restoration Ministry teach the Old Testament laws?

Thae concept that Old Testament laws were annulled with the coming of the Messiah is false. Yahshua said in Matthew 5:17 that he came not to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. The word “fulfill” means to complete. Yahshua came to complete the law.

Yahshua came to save His people from their sins. We find this in Matthew chapter 1. “And you shall bring forth a son; and you shall call his name YAHSHUA” (Matthew 1:21). Yahshua’s Name means “Yah is Salvation” or the Salvation from Yah.” Yah being the short form for the Name Yahweh.

To find what is set aside now since Yahshua’s death on the stake, read Hebrews chapter 1. The writer of Hebrews shows three key points in understanding the New Covenant:

  • The sacrificial system has been set aside for the time being,
  • The blood of animal sacrifices was not sufficient to atone for our sins and,
  • Yahshua the Messiah is now our High Priest and intercessor for our transgressions.

When we understand the purpose for Yahshua’s coming to this earth, we should realize that He came to establish or complete the law. He showed us how to apply the law to our everyday life.

There are three passages found in the Book of Revelation that Yahshua gave to John of Patmos concerning the law of Yahweh. These passages are Revelation 12:17; 14:12; and 22:14.

Through each one of these passages Yahshua tells John of Patmos that we are to uphold and follow the law of Yahweh. He even goes on and says that keeping his laws is the only way to the Tree of Life, His kingdom. Keeping of Yahweh’s law is very important and the way we show love to our Heavenly Father (1 John 5:3) as well as our fellow man.

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