Visit Come to the Garden, written for women by women. Whether you are a believer or are still searching for truth, come rest for a while in our spiritual garden of faith.
Is Obedience to Yahweh’s Commandments Required?

Is Obedience to Yahweh’s Commandments Required?

Obedience to Yahweh’s commandments is the central theme to the entirety of the Bible; this is fulfilling His will and …
May You Finish This Race Well

May You Finish This Race Well

There are plenty of things you can seek And down every path, there is something to find There is only …
Getting Ready for the Feast … An Introspection

Getting Ready for the Feast … An Introspection

HalleluYah! Praise Yahweh for the inspiration to write for Him. This poem came to me a few weeks ago. Some …
To You, Almighty Yahweh

To You, Almighty Yahweh

What wonderful things cannot be said of You? Heavenly Father, Yahweh of Hosts, As You and as Yahshua rightly taught, …
Green Thumbs Up!

Green Thumbs Up!

Are you ready for the garden?  Here in the Midwest, it may be too early to actually plant anything, but …
Do We Trust in Yahweh?

Do We Trust in Yahweh?

I firmly believe that Yahweh speaks to us through His Word – the Bible, the Scriptures. Trusting in Yahweh is …
Oh, Father Yahweh

Oh, Father Yahweh

Oh, ABBA, FATHER, who are in Heaven, May YOUR Holy name be honored. May it never be hidden, Though if …
The Grand Design

The Grand Design

Yahweh Eloheinu Wonderful Sovereign You are glorious in Majesty Avinu Malkeinu, Our Father Our King! It’s amazing, you know the …
Yahweh's Doctrine

Yahweh’s Doctrine

“And it came to pass, when Yahshua had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:” Matthew 7:28 …
We welcome original articles, poems, and recipes from all baptized sisters into Yahshua’s Name.  Submission >>