Sermon on the Mount Part 1

PART 1 – Are We Putting The Kingdom And Yahweh’s Righteousness First?

Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of Elohim, and his righteousness; and all these
things shall be added unto you.”

The first time I read Yahshua’s words, I realized that, of course, this is important. However, it
took reading Yahshua’s words several times and building up a daily practice over time, before
my actions reflected my desire to seek the Kingdom and Yahweh’s righteousness first.

It is useful, for deeper understanding, to read the Scripture in context. Matthew 6:33 is part of
what is known as the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29), a significant sermon from
Yahshua. It is important to follow Yahshua’s examples and teachings (1Peter 2:21); therefore, I
believe the Sermon on the Mount is precious Scripture. This Sermon contains key concepts and
guidelines that Yahshua teaches us, including:

1) the mindset, behavior and attitudes that we are to embrace and engage in as believers;
2) Yahweh’s laws as found in the Torah are still relevant and endure forever;
3) how to treat others and how we ourselves are to live righteously;
4) expounding on the definitions and spiritual intents of the Law;
5) prayer;
6) key principles about serving Yahweh with complete devotion and obedience.

(These topics will be covered in future parts of this series.)

The focus of this article is on “seek ye first the kingdom of Elohim and his righteousness”
specifically, and what this may look like in day-to-day life. I found the footnote in the
Restoration Study Bible, 4th edition, helpful in understanding the importance of this verse: “These
likely represent the promise of eternal life and the perfection of Yahweh’s holy Word. By these
two attributes a believer finds Yahweh’s blessed assurance and provision.”

The promise of eternal life is certainly a promise I would like to be part of! Living a life of peace
and harmony on earth forever without pain and suffering, living with Yahweh and with Yahshua
and with my spiritual family, is a big motivator to keep me walking this walk and enduring
whatever trials and challenges come ahead! (Matthew 24:13; Revelation 21:1-7) The perfection
of Yahweh’s holy Word is definitely something I agree with, as when I continue to read and
study the Bible, it is continually reinforced that Yahweh’s Word is “perfect, sure, right, and
pure” (Psalm 19:7-11), and that it is inspired by Yahweh (2Timothy 3:16-17).

These two attributes in Matthew 6:33 help us comprehend the “big picture” of what Yahweh’s
kingdom and righteousness bring us, both in daily life and in the future. (Big picture is defined in
the Meriam Webster Dictionary as “the entire perspective on a situation or issue”.)

( In the Torah, Yahweh gives us His Laws, which are clear
expectations of how to live righteously and do His will. In the prophetic books and chapters of
the Bible, Yahweh gives us valuable lessons and information so we can learn His ways, live
righteously, be prepared for what the future holds, and potentially be a part of the Kingdom to
come. The New Testament reinforces and expounds on Old Testament Scriptures. Those who
obey and follow Yahweh’s Word are blessed (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Psalm 119; Matthew 5:19).
I also felt compelled to look up the definition of the word “first” to further discuss Matthew 6:33.
According to the Meriam Webster Dictionary, “first” means: “preceding all others in time,
order, or importance: before another in time, space, or importance: one that is number one in a
series: something that is first: at the beginning.” (https://www.merriam- As we see in this definition, “first” has to do with importance
and with sequential order. Therefore, according to Yahshua’s teaching, if we seek Yahweh’s
Kingdom and righteousness “first”, meaning we place those first both in importance and
before other aspects of daily living, then “all these things shall be added unto you” – referring
to what Yahshua spoke of in preceding verses i.e. what to eat, drink, wear (things we need daily
for living).

Now that the big picture and the significance of this Scripture became clearer, I was left with the
question, how can I show by my actions that I am seeking first the Kingdom of Elohim and his

It is important to have faith in Yahweh and Yahshua, AND to obey (Romans 3:31). We show our
faith by our actions (James 2:14-18). Therefore, it is important to keep the Sabbaths and the
Feasts according to the biblical calendar, and obey the Commandments, as this is important for
our very salvation! (Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 4:40; Matthew 7:21; 1John 5:1-3; Revelation

I also asked myself, what actions can I do daily to express to Yahweh that I love Him
(Deuteronomy 6:5), want to worship only Yahweh (Exodus 20:2-3), and want to obey Him,
because I trust in that He knows what is good for me? (Deuteronomy 10:12-15; Proverbs 3:5-6)
How do I spend time with Yahweh, my Heavenly Father, day to day, because our relationship is
important to me?

To me, the answer is to develop and engage in a daily spiritual practice. Over time, I have put the
following in place:

Daily morning practice:

 First thing in the morning, before I get out of bed, I pray and give thanks to Yahweh.

 I have an app on my phone with which I see a Bible quote of the day. I check it and read
it, think on it, and then share it.

 After breakfast, I spend time reading the Bible every day. I am following the 52-week
Bible reading plan in the back of the Restoration Study Bible, so I read the portion of the
day based on that plan. (I like the structure of it, and it works well for me. My son reads a
few chapters at a time in sequence, which works well for him.) After I finish reading the
portion of the day, I record in my journal a Scripture that I find inspiring and think on
what the words in those pages could mean. On Sabbath mornings, my family and I read
together for about 45 minutes and then discuss what we read. (Psalm 143:8)

During the day:

 If something happens where I feel very blessed by Yahweh and it is a joyous event, I say
a prayer of thanks to Yahweh for His blessings, and I like to share my joy with others
(Psalm 9:1).

 I also like to sing songs of praise and to listen to devotional music, at varied times (ex.
while commuting, after dinner, whenever I need a “pick me up”, etc.) (Psalm 100).

 If something happens that is sad, stressful, challenging, etc., I do my best to remember
that Yahweh is there, and I go to Him in prayer first. I have other tools to use as well if
needed to get me through challenges, but I find that going to Yahweh first is important
(Psalms 55:16-17, 22; Philippians 4:6-7).

 If I feel like I have erred/sinned, I go to Yahweh in prayer for forgiveness and ask for
help with how I can change and do better (Psalm 103; Matthew 6:12-13; Luke 11:4).

 Pray for others (James 5:16).

Night time before bed:

 My husband, son, and I sing and say prayers to Yahweh at night before bedtime
(Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Numbers 15:40-41; 1Thessalonians 5:17-18).

These are things I have built into my life and my routines over time. I am not saying that folks
need to engage in a daily routine as I have done it; I am merely listing what I currently do as a
practice, just as an example of what spending time with Yahweh every day and putting His
Kingdom and righteousness first, means to me.

There have been days in the past that I did not read the Bible in the morning, for whatever
reason, and became busy with day-to-day things like work, cleaning, cooking, and life-stuff in
general; looking back, those days did not go very well and were stressful! I felt a big difference
in how my day went when I started with prayer and Scripture, my days went much smoother! I
definitely feel like starting my day with prayers to Yahweh and with Scripture reading set up my
mindset and heart with faith, love, hope, and inspiration, and I feel better overall and ready to go
about my day and whatever it brings.

I believe we can see in Scripture that Yahweh loves His children and wants a relationship with us
(Proverbs 8:17; John 3:16-17; Romans 8:28; 1John 4:7-16). Therefore, in order to nurture that
relationship, and because we need to seek the Kingdom and Yahweh’s righteousness first, it
stands to reason that need to spend time daily with Yahweh Our Father in Heaven, and read His
Word, every day (Psalm 143:10; Proverbs 2:6, 3:1-6, 4:13; Acts 17:11; 1Thessalonians 5:17-21).
If ye then be risen with Messiah, seek those things which are above, where Messiah sitteth on the
right hand of Yahweh. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
(Colossians 3:1-2)
~ Submitted by Judy Stern

A Collection of Poetry and Scriptures

A Collection of Poetry and Scriptures

Praise Yahweh! The Bible is full of so much inspiration!

I was reading the Bible one day and was inspired to write poetry. In addition, I felt inclined to
find and list related Scriptures.

This is the Scripture that moved me:
1Samuel 12:22, 24
For Yahweh will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased
Yahweh to make you his people.

Only fear Yahweh, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he
hath done for you.

Yahweh has indeed done so much for us!

Yahweh Elohim
King, Holy, Savior, Father,
In Him I will trust.
(Psalm 99; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 12:2-6; Jeremiah 10:6-7; Matthew 6:9 and Luke 11:2)

Yahweh Elohim
In Him all is possible
Love, have Faith, Obey.
(Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; 1John 5:1-4)

Yahweh hears our prayers
Glory and Praise to Yahweh
He does wondrous things!
(Psalm 40:1-5)

Yahweh answers prayers
If you Love Him and Obey
Then He will bless you!
(Deuteronomy 28; John 9:31)

Yahweh’s Commandments
Can be summed up in this: Love
Yahweh, neighbors, self.
(Matthew 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-31; Luke 10:25-28)

Yahshua Messiah
Our Rabbi, our example,
Obey his teachings.
(Matthew 23:8; John 14:15; 1Peter 2:21)

Study Yahweh’s Word
Read, Be Inspired, Learn! It’s
Perfect, sure, right, pure.
(Deuteronomy 29:29; Psalm 19:7-8; Romans 15:4; 2Timothy 3:16-17)

Read, study and think on the Scriptures for your own edification and inspiration!
~Submitted by Judy Stern

e-News 10/30/2020

We Are Back in Full Operation

After the week-long office shutdown for the Feast of Tabernacles followed by another Covid-cautious interruption, YRM is now back up to full throttle. We are holding in-person Sabbath services once more and all office operations are up and running. Thankfully, the Feast was free of any known illness and all who had contracted the virus afterward have reported have recovering or are in the final stages of recovery. Nearly all the positive cases reported mild symptoms similar to a weak flu or cold. Even those tagged “high risk” had few problems. Yahweh is good and watches over His people when we put Him first.

More Growth

Happy hearts and pristine weather characterized the Feast of Tabernacles 2020. We were at near capacity for lodging and dining, prompting a consideration of future ways to prepare for more expansion. Four individuals were immersed at the Feast, another two weeks later, and a likely sixth candidate this Sabbath. Praise Yahweh!

Holy Days in 2021
We have projected the Feast days for next year. You can find them at:

Be aware that these days must be confirmed by the barley and new moon sightings.



How did the use of holy water become a practice of the Roman church?

A. It derived from the account of the Ethiopian’s baptism by Philip
B. It derived from the heathen ritual of personal cleansing before entering pagan temples
C. Yahshua sanctified the waters of Siloam before healing there

D. It was part of infant baptism rites first used at Alexandria, Egypt

Answer B.
“The use of holy water was introduced into the church by Alexander, a bishop of the church. He taught that the water for baptism must first be blessed and thus consecrated for religious purposes. This grew out of the practice of the heathen’s custom of dipping their hands in water and sprinkling it upon themselves as they entered the pagan temples. As paganistic ideas were introduced to the church, it became a custom to provide holy water for the use of the worshipers. Later holy water became connected with superstition. Marsilius Columna, the Archbishop of Salerno, attributed to holy water “the power to frighten away devils, to remit venial sins, to cure distraction, to elevate the mind and to dispose it to devotion.” This innovation was followed by others that were just as unscriptural.” – History of the Church by Robert H. Brumback

Win an RSB 4th Edition!

We are going to give away one FREE outreach bible! This bible will make a great addition to any bible students collection! It answers the tough questions that most churches refuse to answer!

To enter simply follow the instructions below!

Contest starts Friday October 30th and runs until Friday Nov 6th! So get your entries in! A winner will be randomly selected from all entrants.

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E-news 10/1/2020

Last Minute FOT Information
Many are packing up and heading for YRM for an inspiring and exciting Feast of Tabernacles. Several are already here, helping out with the huge effort to get the facilities ready for eight days of joyful observance of this last appointed time of the year. Having only virtual observances of the previous feasts of 2020, we are anticipating a great time. All rooms in the activity center have been reserved, the camping area is nearly full, and tenting areas are being maximized. There are still motels in nearby Jefferson City and Fulton, and we encourage all who have not committed to come and honor Yahweh at His Feast.

We have a website showing the times we will be livestreaming daily. Click Here>>

You can also find the printable Feast calendar there listing all the planned activities for the week. Click Here>>




May Yahweh bless you and we hope to see you at the Feast!

Feast of Tabernacles 2020 Event Calendar

So, what’s happening this Feast of Tabernacles? Check out the list below! We will be livestreaming every day so please check the times and dates so you don’t miss anything.

The list of LIVE events will be as follows:

Day 1: Services @ 10:30 am

Day 2: Services @ 10:30 am

Day 3: Services @ 10:30 am

Day 4: Services @ 10:30 am / Outdoor Worship at 6:30 pm

Day 5: Teen led services @ 10:30 am

Day 6: Services @ 10:30 am

Day 7: Services @ 10:30 am / Night of special Music 6:30 pm

Last Great Day: Services @ 10:30 / Final Service @ 3:00 pm

All Live events can be watched at!

e-News 9/19/2020

Trumpets New Moon Tonight
If confirmed, tonight’s new moon will mark the start of the seventh scriptural month and its feasts. We will have a live, outdoor new moon (Feast of Trumpets) service at 8 p.m. Central time and encourage all to watch for the crescent and report it on the new moon site if seen ( The skies in the Midwest have been hazy for weeks because of the massive fires in California and other western states. This may make the crescent sighting more difficult even with otherwise clear skies. Technically, the crescent should be the easiest of the year to spot. It will be out for 70 minutes, 12 degrees high, 17 degrees south of the setting sun and 3.8% illuminated.

The Feasts Begin Under the Stars
Besides tonight’s outdoor new moon service, a double Sabbath/Trumpets service will be held outside tomorrow and we invite all to attend in person or to watch online. A high day offering will be taken as usual. We have also been working hard preparing the facilities for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles, with 25 local volunteers attending a special work day Sunday to help get the grounds in top shape. Watch online HERE>>

Kitchen Addition in the Works
Construction continues on expanding the kitchen facilities. Two gas stoves, a double oven and fryer will be added, along with a recently installed, large exhaust hood. A door to the outside allows easy access to this part of the kitchen. The additional space should be partly functional by Tabernacles. We thank all who contributed to this much-needed expansion.

Jeremiah is considered one of the greatest prophets of the Bible. Which of the following about him is true?
A. He was ordained a prophet to the nations before he was born.
B. When formally called by Yahweh he declined, saying he was still a child (young man).
C. His prophecies can be challenging because they often lack chronological sequence.
D. The Book of Lamentations is attributed to Jeremiah.
E. None of these
F. All of these.
Jeremiah was shy and disposed to melancholy. That is one reason to believe that he wrote the Book of Lamentations (Lamentings) that directly follows Jeremiah. His character parallels Moses’ in his reluctance to take a leading role for Yahweh. As Moses taught the Hebrews in their first 40 years of national history, Jeremiah admonished them in the last 40 years. Answer: F

e-News 8/28/2020

Filling Up for Tabernacles
This year is shaping up to be a banner year for the Feast of Tabernacles at YRM. All lodging at our Recreation Center has been reserved for weeks. RV parking is nearing capacity, and we have received reservations for 17 tent sites to date. Although the Holts Summit motel is closed, abundant lodging is only seven miles away in Jefferson City.

Online Bible Orders Surging
Since July 1 we have processed 651 online orders for the Restoration Study Bible fourth edition. These orders alone have recouped a third of the cost of publishing the 10,000 Restoration Study Bibles. Proceeds go into the Bible account for future editions. Praise Yahweh that YRM is able to spiritually feed so many hungering for the truth of the Word hidden for millennia. Check it out here>>

Psalm 121:5-6 is one of protection: “Yahweh is thy keeper: Yahweh is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.” This passage shows the involvement of heavenly bodies, like star constellations, in affecting the lives of humans daily.
A. True
B. False
Yahweh uses the sun and moon to illustrate His day and night protection of all that distresses us. Some say the moon merely represents nighttime protection. Others point out that not only was sunstroke a real danger in the Middle East, but there was also the ancient notion that over-exposure to the moon’s rays led to lunacy, which is cognate to the word “lunar.” Answer B

“Faith is like swimming the backstroke, reaching above and behind us into an unknown we cannot see.” – Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Strong Women

What is a “strong woman”?

If you were to ask my 8-year-old self, a good example would have been “Sheena – Queen of the Jungle.” Sheena was television’s female counterpart to Tarzan. She was beautiful and brave, conversed with animals, and was very proficient at tree-swinging in her mission to protect the innocent. But that was then and now, many years later, I have changed my perceptions. Over the years I have been fortunate to know, and in some cases form lasting friendships with, many whom I consider to be strong women. So, what exactly are the properties or characteristics that determine whether a woman is “strong”?

Throughout the Scriptures there are many examples of women displaying various aspects of strength. The women differ in age, country, and economic circumstance. And while each displays a unique type of strength, all of the women had at least one thing in common – each fearlessly took action when confronted with hard situations.

Rahab: Hebrews 11:31, “By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.”

Living the life of a prostitute in Jericho, Rahab was drawn to the Elohim of the Hebrews who surrounded the city. She sheltered and protected the lives of the Hebrew spies who had been sent to assess the city’s defenses, all at the risk of her life and that of her family. Because of this, Rahab and her family were rescued when the walls of Jericho fell. She later married one of the original spies and became the great-great-grandmother of King David.

Ruth: Ruth 1:16, “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after thee; For whither thou goest, I will go; And wherever thou lodgest, I will lodge; Thy people shall be my people, And thy Elohim, my Elohim.”

Ruth was the daughter-in-law of Naomi, who, when their respective husbands died, journeyed with Naomi to her native Bethlehem. Instead of going back to the safety of her own Moabite family, Ruth endured many dangers and hardships to protect and provide for Naomi. Ruth later won the love of and married Boaz, a Hebrew, who admired her kindness and diligence. Ruth became one of five women mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy of Yahshua.

Deborah: Judges 5:7, “The [inhabitants of] the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel,
Until I, Deborah, arose, until I arose, a mother in Israel.”

The fourth judge and a prophetess of Israel, Deborah provided civil and spiritual leadership when it was most needed. She inspired the Israelites to a mighty victory over their Canaanite oppressors. Barak, Israel’s military commander, refused to go into battle unless Deborah went with him. Through her courage and leadership, Deborah was a light to her people and turned many back to faith in and service to their Elohim.

Esther: Esther 4:14, “…and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Esther was a Jewish queen of a Persian king. King Ahasuerus was convinced by Haman, his advisor, to kill all of the Jews in the country. Esther, after fasting and praying, and at great danger to herself, approached the king to ask for mercy on her people. The result is that the king not only spared the Jews in his empire, but also decided to kill all of the enemies of the Jews, Haman included. Esther’s courage saved her people.

Abigail: 1 Samuel 25:35, “So David received of her hand [that] which she had brought him, and said unto her, ‘Go up in peace to thine house; see, I have hearkened to thy voice, and have accepted thy person’.”
Abigail was the wife of Nabal, a churlish, drunken, and selfish fool who refused to help King David and his army with needed provisions. David was readying to kill Nabal and all of his household when Abigail saved them by hastily gathering all that was needed and taking them to David with an apology for her husband’s rebuff. Through Abigail’s quick thinking and courage, Nabal’s household was saved. Nabal died soon after and Abigail became a wife to David.

Phoebe: Romans 16: 1, “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae.”

A wealthy woman, Phoebe used her wealth to serve others. She was referred to as a “sister” in the faith by Paul. She was also a deacon of the church in Cenchreae, teaching and helping the sick and administering to the poor. As a spiritual sister, she was entrusted with the task to carry Paul’s Epistle to the Romans to the city of Rome, quite a distance from Corinth in Greece. While there, she also represented Paul and his gospel message to the Roman assembly. Due to her first-hand knowledge of Paul’s message, after serving alongside him as a co-worker, Phoebe was able to explain and answer their questions. Phoebe was not only a generous person, but a skilled leader in proclaiming the gospel.

If we look around us today, we see many women struggling with the contentions of the world. In our assembly alone, there are women who have lost husbands or are caring for husbands who will never get well. There are women who have suffered the unimaginable sorrow of having lost unborn, young, or adult children. Then, there are the women who are struggling with their own handicaps or health problems, yet manage to make it to Sabbath services. Many women lack a provider, yet are raising and teaching their children with much love in lieu of money. Widows and other single women living alone, uncomplainingly manage to make ends meet while faithfully following Yahweh’s commands, including tithing each month. Despite hardships, these women have drawn their strength to endure and go forward from their obedience to and faith in Yahweh and Yahshua, His Son. It’s not always the outspoken and opinionated voices that pinpoint tenaciousness, but often the unnoticed, humble, and faithful women who demonstrate the most endurance. These are the truly strong women.

By Debbie Reed

Be sure to check out the other wonderful articles in the Come to the Garden blog!

e-News 8/14/20

New Roofs at YRM
Because of damaging hail at the end of March, we are currently replacing the roofs on all YRM buildings, including the guest house. We praise Yahweh that the damage was limited to hail and not from tornadoes or high winds. A land hurricane of 100-mph wind destroyed the corn crop in dozens of counties north of us in Iowa this past week. We pray for those farmers. We are seeing unusual weather in addition to social unrest across the nation—in fulfillment of prophecies of Matthew 24 and Revelation 6.
Our Backhoe Fully Operational
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Bro. Chris Fouts, YRM’s backhoe is again up and running. We were in the process of fixing a ditch on one of our roads after 6 inches of rain created a deep gully when the machine died. Chris was able to locate a short in the wiring and repair it.
We thank all who helped fund the repairs of this essential machine.
Why isn’t the Jewish calendar the same as the biblical calendar?
A.     Jewish calendar months begin with the dark conjunction, not the new moon
B.     The Jewish calendar begins in the autumn in the month Tishri, not in spring with Abib
C.     The Jewish calendar adds a 13th month every 2-3 years to coincide with the seasons
D.     The Jewish calendar has postponement rules unknown in Scripture
E.      All of these
Yahweh’s calendar is observational to establish the year and months. Feast days are determined by counting days within those months. His design is to get us actively involved in His worship. Calculation produces passivity.
Answer: E
(See charts at Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16 in Restoration Study Bible 4th ed.)