e-News 4/3/2020

Join Our Passover Service April 7 at Sunset
We will be broadcasting services on Passover and the High days and Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Our live stream can be found on yrm.org/live, as well as on Facebook, Youtube, Roku and on our mobile app. Those unable to link up with one of them can view a Passover service guide Here>>.
Remove Leavening, Eat the Unleavened
For the Feast of Unleavened Bread (April 9-15), we are commanded to remove leavening and leavened products by Passover. A list of leavening agents is at:
https://yrm.org/leavening-agents/. Unleavened bread is to be eaten with meals each day during the Feast. A recipe book for unleavened bread and delights is also on our site.
https://yrm.org/unleavened-recipes/ April 9 and 15 are high Sabbath days when no work or commerce is to be done.
YRM is committed to getting Yahweh’s Word out no matter what our current circumstances.
March-April Restoration Times Now in the Mail 
The latest edition of the magazine covers: the annual Feasts, firstfruits of the resurrection, fruit of the Spirit, Easter, and more. If you aren’t reading a paper copy, you can find it at https://yrm.org/restoration-times-march-april/ or on our app.
A Fun Way to Help You Learn 
With the rise of social distancing YRM is looking for more ways to engage our members and viewers even if they are sitting at home. To do this we are implementing a new feature in several of our sermons. Poll Everywhere is an easy-to-use polling/quiz app that will allow you to participate right from your phone or computer, LIVE – in real time. We hope this allows our viewers an entertaining way to learn the Word.
There are 3 ways to participate in the Poll Everywhere surveys:
1. From a computer: Go to the following link www.pollev.com/yrmsurvey633 and join in by filling out your name
2. By text: From your phone text yrmsurvey633 to 22333 (see screenshots below)
Step one – Step two. Once you have sent the text, you will receive a confirmation message to begin simply texting your answers.
3. With the Poll everywhere app: (recommended): Start by downloading the app from either the Apple app store or the Google play store.
If You have an iPhone – Apple App store link
If you have an Android – Google Play link
Once you download the app and open it you will be asked to enter your first name. Then you will be asked to join a presentation.
Simply click the “Join a presentation” window and type in yrmsurvey633. (Final presentation URL should look like this: Pollev.com/yrmsurvey633)
Once that is done you should be able to participate in the active survey and in future surveys.
For future surveys you should be able to select the YRM survey from a section titled “recent presentations” so you will not need to re-enter any information.
We hope you enjoy this fun feature!

Restoration Times March – April 2020

In this issue of The Restoration Times we discuss:

• Biblical Feasts and the Final Days

• Fruit of the Spirit – Joy
• Firstfruits and the Dynamics of Abib
•Easter – the Great Counterfeit
•Q & A
•Two Greatest Laws

Download PDF – Read on Issuu.com  Check out the Restoration Times Archive!

Chapati Fry Bread

½ cup whole wheat flour

1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

¼ teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon salt

¾ cup hot water

2 Tablespoons olive oil

Mix flours, garlic powder and salt in a large bowl. Add water and oil, stirring well. Turn onto a floured surface and knead about 12 times. Divide dough into 10 equal balls. Roll each ball into a 6-inch circle.

Heat a nonstick skillet over me­dium heat. Brown each chapati for one minute on each side. Serve warm.

submitted by: Jennifer Folliard

Orange Sponge Cake


¾ cup matzo cake meal

¼ cup potato starch

12 large eggs, separated

1 ½ cups sugar


¼ cup fresh orange juice (or zest and juice of 1 large orange)

2 teaspoons orange zest, finely chopped

1/3 cup preserves, raspberry-variety

1 cup unsweetened frozen raspberries, or fresh raspberries

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift matzo cake meal with the potato starch over a large bowl; sift again and set aside. In a large bowl with a whisk or an electric mixer on high power, whip egg whites until stiff and glossy; set aside. In another large bowl with a whisk or an electric mixer on high power, whip egg yolks with sugar until light and satiny; add orange juice and zest and blend well. Fold egg whites into yolk mixture until just blended. Sift in matzo meal mixture; fold delicately to combine. Carefully pour batter into a 10-inch, 2-piece ungreased angel food cake pan with feet or a sponge cake pan. Bake until center of cake springs back to the touch, about 1 hour. Remove from oven and immediately invert pan onto a wire rack; cool cake completely in pan (If you do not have a pan with feet, invert pan over a wine or beer bottle.) Meanwhile, to make topping, heat raspberry preserves in a small saucepan over low heat and toss in raspberries; mix well. When cake is completely cool, run a sharp knife around the outside and inside rings of the tube pan to loosen cake; transfer to a serving plate. Slice into 16 pieces and drizzle each slice with sauce just before serving.

**This cake can be made in a variety of flavors. You can substitute lemon or lime zest and juice for the orange zest and juice. Or, forget the citrus juice and zest altogether and use 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract or 1 teaspoon of almond extract instead. (You can use 1 cup of flour instead of the matzo cake meal and potato starch, if desired.)

submitted by: Rosrita Fisher

Unleavened Almond Honey Shortbread

½ cup butter

2 Tablespoons honey

2 Tablespoons sugar

1 cup flour

¼ teaspoon almond extract

1/8 cup slivered almonds

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.  Cream together butter, sugar, honey and almond extract.  Add flour, 1/3 cup at a time, mixing after the first two additions.  When adding the last 1/3 cup of flour, mix with the almonds and knead until it is a soft and workable dough.  Pat into an 8-inch round cake pan.  Press fork tines all over the dough and around the edges.  Semi-cut into 8 wedges and then bake for about 20 minutes.  Turn off the oven and let rest in the hot oven for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and cut through the wedges while still warm.

Submitted by: Melodie Illgen

Poll Everywhere

With the rise of social distancing YRM is actively looking for more ways to engage our members even if they are sitting at home! To do this we are going to start implementing a new feature in several of our sermons.

Poll Everywhere is an easy to use polling/quiz app that will allow you to participate right from your Phone or computer LIVE in real time. We hope this allows our viewers the ability to learn the word while having fun at the same time!

There are 3 way to participate in the Poll everywhere surveys.

1. From a computer: Go to the following link www.pollev.com/yrmsurvey633 and join in by filling out your name

2. By text: from your phone text yrmsurvey633 to 22333 (see screenshots below)

Step oneStep two 
Once you have sent the text, you will receive a conformation message and then you will simply text your answers!

3.With the Poll everywhere app: (recommended): Start by downloading the app from either the Apple app store or the Google play store.

If You have an iPhone – Apple App store link

If you have an Android – Google Play link

Once you download the app and open it you will be asked to put in your first name. After that you will be asked to join a presentation.

Simply click the “Join a presentation” window and type in yrmsurvey633. (Final presentation URL should look like this: Pollev.com/yrmsurvey633)

Once that is done you should be able to participate in the active survey and in future surveys.

For future surveys you should be able to select the YRM survey from a section titled “recent presentations” so you will not have to re-enter any information.

We hope you enjoy this fun feature!

Special e-News 3-25-2020

SPECIAL e-News 3-25-2020


New Moon Tonight

Be sure to watch for the Abib new moon crescent tonight after sunset. This all-important moon of the first month is key to Passover and all the Feasts this year. Please report it to the new moon website when you observe it: https://yrm.org/new-moon-network/


Abib Barley ‘Ample’

We were asked about the conditions of the barley in Israel. With the COVID 19 outbreak, we are unsure whether anyone is looking for the Abib barley this month. However, based on last month’s reports, there should be ample Abib barley to mark this new moon as Abib. Here is a correspondence received today from a faithful Abib reporter who goes to Israel every year, including last month: “I can tell you will a high degree of certainty that east of Ashkelon there were multiple locations that would be ready for a wavesheaf today if not sooner. Not a lot of them, but certainly more than enough to meet any requirements. Those locations would also qualify for harvestable fields once wavesheaf comes along. There are also locations in some other areas that were coming along very nicely but not being there I would not be confident in saying they actually would be.”


YRM Temporarily Worshiping Online

Missouri’s governor has a current order limiting gatherings to less than 10 people to reduce spread of COVID-19.  It has been indicated that this order will remain in effect for several more weeks. Due to the current conditions, YRM has made the difficult decision to limit our worship services during this time to our online format. This includes the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.

There are clear examples in the Bible of isolating ourselves during time of disease.  And, although certainly not the same, we know that the angel of death came through Egypt during Passover causing the Israelite’s to remain in their individual dwellings.  We are blessed to live in a time when, even though we may be physically separated, we’re still able to worship together as one people through technology.

This will be an adjustment, but YRM is committed to getting Yahweh’s Word out no matter what our current circumstances.  May Yahweh bless everyone, keep you safe and healthy, and until we physically meet again, we’ll continue to do so online! Watch Online Here>>


Passover Provisions

For those taking the Passover memorial online the evening of April 7, be sure to obtain the necessary items beforehand, including grape juice and matos or unleavened crackers. Unleavened recipes are at: https://yrm.org/unleavened-recipes/  Also, have a basin of water for the footwashing at hand. If you are alone this part of the service is skipped. If you are low risk of COVID-19, you might consider contacting a fellow believer of the same gender whom you can observe the Passover with, including the foot washing. You will need to remove all leavening and leavening agents from your home by Passover. For a list of leavening agents to go: https://yrm.org/leavening-agents/

Special provision will be made for local seniors at Holts Summit who are unable to connect online for the memorial.

For the Feast of Unleavened Bread be sure to include unleavened bread of some form with daily meals, April 9-15.

COVID-19 UPDATE YRM Temporarily Worshiping Online

Missouri’s governor has a current order limiting gatherings to less than 10 people to reduce spread of COVID-19. It has been indicated that this order will remain in effect for several more weeks. Due to the current conditions, YRM has made the difficult decision to limit our worship services during this time to our online format. This includes the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.
There are clear examples in the Bible of isolating ourselves during time of disease. And, although certainly not the same, we know that the angel of death came through Egypt during Passover causing the Israelite’s to remain in their individual dwellings. We are blessed to live in a time when, even though we may be physically separated, we’re still able to worship together as one people through technology.

This will be an adjustment, but YRM is committed to getting Yahweh’s Word out no matter what our current circumstances. May Yahweh bless everyone, keep you safe and healthy, and until we physically meet again, we’ll continue to do so online!

e-News 3/20/2020

Electronic Passover and Feast
Because of the Corona virus national quarantine, we will broadcast the Passover memorial service and high day services live online. Worshiping remotely is an option in light of the virus outbreak. We have a biblical precedent for quarantine in Leviticus 13 with leprosy.
YRM Bible Study Canceled for the Next Two Sabbaths
Because of the spartan Sabbath attendance resulting from local quarantine, we will cancel Sabbath Bible study for the next two weeks. We will, however, be broadcasting the Sabbath services live online.
Pray for Yahweh’s People and the Nation
At this time we should all go to Yahweh with prayer and fasting. May Yahweh protect His people and have mercy on our nation, as He spared Nineveh when they repented. “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.” 2Chronicles 7:13-15.
Abib New Moon March 25
We encourage all to look for and report the new moon crescent March 25, as this will start the 14 day count to Passover, evening of April 7.
Yahweh’s Cleanliness Laws for Sickness
Yahweh had the Centers for Disease Control beat by 4,000 years! In the Levitical laws of cleanliness Yahweh instructs how to stem the spread of germs. In Leviticus 15 is what to do in cases of a discharge, like mucus from a viral sickness:
     “And Yahweh spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue out of his flesh, because of his issue he is unclean. And this shall be his uncleanness in his issue: whether his flesh run with his issue, or his flesh be stopped from his issue, it is his uncleanness. Every bed, whereon he lieth that hath the issue, is unclean: and everything, whereon he sitteth, shall be unclean. And whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And he that sitteth on anything whereon he sat that hath the issue shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And he that toucheth the flesh of him that hath the issue shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And if he that hath the issue spit upon him that is clean; then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. … and he that beareth any of those things shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And whomsoever he toucheth that hath the issue, and hath not rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And the vessel of earth, that he toucheth which hath the issue, shall be broken: and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water. And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean,” Leviticus 15:2-13.
What is the first thing the believer should strive for?
A. A personal relationship with Yahshua.
B. Truth.
C. The Kingdom
D. Justice
All of the choices listed above are good. But Yahshua explicitly commanded us to seek first the Kingdom of His Father (Matt 6:32-33). His emphasis on the Father’s will interprets this expression for us. By “Kingdom” He means “rulership.” That is, seek Yahweh’s rulership in your life. This is proven by the entire expression in that passage: “But seek ye first His Kingdom and Righteousness.” One of the most pathetic of circumstances is one who refuses to understand biblical imperatives and makes the physical his or her top priority, yet claims to know Yahweh “in his heart.” Answer: C

FUB and COVID-19 Update!

With the current situation with COVID-19, we would encourage you to consider watching our online Passover Memorial and High Day services instead of traveling to Missouri. Under the current conditions and the unknown threat, we believe that this is the best course of action. This also follows scriptural principle, which speaks of separating ourselves in times of disease and sickness, for example Lev. 13:4-5. We want everyone to stay safe and healthy!

Passover Memorial: April 7 (evening)
Feast of Unleavened Bread: April 9-15