New Roofs at YRM
Because of damaging hail at the end of March, we are currently replacing the roofs on all YRM buildings, including the guest house. We praise Yahweh that the damage was limited to hail and not from tornadoes or high winds. A land hurricane of 100-mph wind destroyed the corn crop in dozens of counties north of us in Iowa this past week. We pray for those farmers. We are seeing unusual weather in addition to social unrest across the nation—in fulfillment of prophecies of Matthew 24 and Revelation 6.
Our Backhoe Fully Operational
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Bro. Chris Fouts, YRM’s backhoe is again up and running. We were in the process of fixing a ditch on one of our roads after 6 inches of rain created a deep gully when the machine died. Chris was able to locate a short in the wiring and repair it.
We thank all who helped fund the repairs of this essential machine.
Why isn’t the Jewish calendar the same as the biblical calendar?
A. Jewish calendar months begin with the dark conjunction, not the new moon
B. The Jewish calendar begins in the autumn in the month Tishri, not in spring with Abib
C. The Jewish calendar adds a 13th month every 2-3 years to coincide with the seasons
D. The Jewish calendar has postponement rules unknown in Scripture
E. All of these
Yahweh’s calendar is observational to establish the year and months. Feast days are determined by counting days within those months. His design is to get us actively involved in His worship. Calculation produces passivity.
Answer: E
(See charts at Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16 in Restoration Study Bible 4th ed.)