e-News 11/7/2020

Baptisms Abounding

We had six immersions in the past month, including Feast baptisms. Two more immersions are scheduled for tomorrow’s Sabbath service and another on the 21st! We will not slow our efforts to reach out to the world in the time Almighty Yahweh gives us. Praise Him for His blessings as we teach His truths.


Commercial Kitchen Mostly Completed

We were successful in having most of the commercial kitchen usable by Tabernacles. Thanks to the hard work of Ryan Mansager, Chris Fouts, and James Duenow, the kitchen is now mostly finished. We are turning our attention now to discussions about future facility expansion to accommodate the growing numbers who are coming to Holts Summit to observe Yahweh’s Feasts. An essential part of that preparation is to increase our building fund. We will have more in future newsletters.


Bible Orders Continue Apace

Each day brings orders for the RSB 4th edition. Recently we filled bulk orders for 50 and more Bibles. A great way you can evangelize is to order extra copies to share with family and friends.  The Outreach (paperback) edition is affordable for anyone, and contains all the material found in the two other versions.



Who specifically was known by Yahweh before they were born? (Select 2 answers)

  1. Jeremiah, Paul, David
  2. Isaiah, John the Baptist, Levi
  3. A only
  4. B only
  5. None of these


Many in our culture treat abortion with little regard, arguing that the “fetus” is not a person until born. All life is sacred, including the life of the unborn child. The Scriptures show that Yahweh considers the unborn belonging to Him, and He even knows them in the womb. No one has the right to take life through abortion. The corresponding Scriptures for the two correct answers are:

  1. Jeremiah 1:5, Galatians 1:15-16, Psalm 139:13
  2. Isaiah 49:1, Luke 1:15, Levi, Hebrews 7:10


Please pray for us and our nation in these difficult times!

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