I have a question about the new moon report. Why does it say at the last question if the new moon impacts salvation? I know believing in the name of Yahshua certainly does.
Yahweh’s directives in the Bible require obedience, which impacts salvation, Hebrews 5:9, including the command to observe the new moons, Psalm 81:3-4, Ezekiel 46:3. We will be judged and rewarded according to our works, 1Cor. 3:10-17, 2Cor. 5:9, Titus 3:8, Rev. 2:23; 3:2-4. The moon sets the beginning of months in the biblical calendar and therefore impacts the right day for observing the annual Feasts, the accuracy of which affects salvation. The Feasts are part of the same law as the Sabbath, Lev. 23. The Scriptures detail the specific dates they are to be observed.
Since Abib is the month of green ears of barley (and starts the count to Passover), are the criteria different for those who live in other parts of the earth where the barley ears will not be green during the same moon?
This earth has different seasons depending on the latitude. While it may be spring in Israel and other areas with the same latitude, it may be fall in southern latitudes of the earth like South America. At the same time it may still be frozen in areas far north, such as Scandinavia and Alaska. The Bible does not make allowances for different climates or have other sets of instructions or different calendars for peoples in different climates. The singular law was to and for Israel. Others may come into the promise under the New Covenant by becoming partakers with Israel, Romans 9 and 11. We find that in the Millennium that the law “shall go forth of Zion, and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem,” Micah 4:2. If the law is to eminate from the Holy Land, then we must look to the land of Israel for the starting point of our calendar, which is part of Yahweh’s law.