In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:
• Biblical Calendar Basics
• Does Grace Erase Obedience?
•Straight to the Heart of Valentines Day
• Fables of the Church
• Q&A
• Does Grace Erase Obedience?
•Straight to the Heart of Valentines Day
• Fables of the Church
• Q&A
Enjoyed watching the show about the KJV. I use it along with my Geneva.
Baraysheet 1 [Genesis 1] EX 12 The complete 24 HR Day begins with Yome = Day. Choshek=DARKNESS=Lilah=Night. The Badal are EREV and Boker which divides YOME from Lilah. Day comes before night throughout the Torah. EX 12 Pesach l’YAHWEH Take the lamb on the 14th Yome, Kill it at Erev, Eat it at Lilah, AT Boker burn what is left over. With loins girded, sandals on, because at Boker they went out from Mitzrayeim [Egypt] on the 15th which began the next DAY. The Boker Sacrafices and the Erev sacrafices. If the Day began at Erev it would be the… Read more »
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