Restoration Times May – June 2024

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times, we discuss:

• From Passover to Pentecost
• Billions Are Deceived About Salvation
• Traversing a Continental Divide
• Q & A
• Building Expansion
• Eldertorial: You Can’t Afford NOT to Attend the Feasts

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Restoration Times March – April 2024

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times, we discuss:

• Passover – A Memorial to the Savior

• In Search of a Scriptural Easter

• Observe Hallowed Days, Not Hollow Days

• Love Is the Basis for Obedience

• Frequently Asked Questions

• Eldertorial: Real-Time Testing

• Letters

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Restoration Times January – February 2024

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• America in a Tailspin

• Recipe for Imitation Bible the Apocrypha, Part 2

• Bible Truths That Pack a Surprising Punch

• Building Expansion

• Test Your Tutelage

• Question and Answer

• Feedback

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Restoration Times November – December

Restoration Times
In this issue of the Restoration Times, we discuss:

• The Great Paradox of Christmas
• Recipe for Imitation Bible – the Apocrypha
• The Palestinian Conflict and Gaza in Prophecy
• Questions and Answers
• Hebrew Word Lesson
• Eldertorial: End of Bible Literacy

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Restoration Times September – October

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times, we discuss:

• Taste the Coming Kingdom
• Feast Observance – Choosing Between Yourself and Yahweh
• What Happens When We Die?
• Test Your Tutelage
• Hebrew Word Lesson
• Editorial Brief

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Restoration Times July – Aug 2023

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Is the New Testament Really New?

• Restoring Truth Once Delivered

Remarkable Women in the Bible

Test Your Tutelage

Hebrew Word Lesson


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Restoration Times May – June 2023

Restoration TImes

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

Firecrackers or Dynamite?
Will We Recognize Others in the
Resurrection and Promise in
the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Test Your Tutelage
Hebrew Word Lesson

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Restoration Times March – April 2023

Restoration Times
In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

Passover and the Way Back to Truth
Hatching Easter
Did Yahshua Become our Sabbath Observance?
Love Is Basic to Obedience
The Cross – Legacy from Mystery Worship

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Restoration Times Jan-Feb 2023

Restoration Times
In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:
• Biblical Calendar Basics
• Does Grace Erase Obedience?
•Straight to the Heart of Valentines Day
• Fables of the Church
• Q&A

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Restoration Times Nov – Dec 2022

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:
• Truths and Myths of Christmas
• Casting Light on Hanukkah
• The Man-made Name Yehovah
• Modern EliYahs
• Stained Glass Filters
• Q&A

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