Restoration Times July – Aug 2023

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Is the New Testament Really New?

• Restoring Truth Once Delivered

Remarkable Women in the Bible

Test Your Tutelage

Hebrew Word Lesson


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Judy Stern
Judy Stern
11 months ago

I am reading the first article, very interesting! I agree, and can’t find it mentioned anywhere, the books of the Torah, prophets and writings don’t call themselves “old”, even in Jeremiah 31:31-33 where Yahweh says He will make a new covenant with the house of Israel. if the term “Old Testament” was a term from the second century, what would be a more correct term for what is typically referred to today as the Old/New Testaments? First and Second Testament? First and Second Covenant? Old/New Covenant? hmmmm…