The Wait Is Over – Fourth Edition Bible Arrives
It was all hands on deck (and then some) as we took possession of the new Restoration Study Bible 4th Edition on July 1. Orders began flooding into YRM immediately upon announcing the new arrival after three months without Bibles to offer.
The 10,000 Fourth Edition Bibles filled the tractor-trailer on 23 pallets weighing a total of 18 tons. It took 2 hours to unload the shipping container that had traveled for weeks by truck, ship and rail from the Texas-based printing operation in Europe.
We are very pleased with the quality of the printing, binding and covers of all three styles of this Fourth Edition. They are: an Outreach edition paperback with a menorah cover photo taken by Bro. Russ King in Israel; a Designer with the Tetragrammaton embossed along the side as before; and a rich black cowhide cover enhancing the Premium edition. Personalization is still available. All three designs have the same content. This edition has more footnotes, charts and photos. We’ve also expanded to 120 pages the topical reference section, with subjects critical to proper Bible understanding. More details are forthcoming. For a quick look, go to
The RSB is based on the KJV. As with prior editions this Fourth Edition has superscript Strong’s numbers accompanying all the significant words in both testaments for ease in consulting Strong’s Hebrew and Greek dictionaries at the back. Bro. Randy Dimmett spent countless hours fitting text and other elements into a new, attractive layout.
The RSB is three books in one volume. We have again kept the cost to a bare minimum so that most anyone can afford one regardless of financial situation. Full-case/ Bulk order pricing is coming soon. Call 573-896-1000 to order (YRM offices are closed Sabbaths). Orders can also be placed online Monday – Friday (Online store is closed on Sabbath as well)
Does it come in NKJV without the ( thee and thou)?
We only have it in traditional KJV
dose the bible have new and old testament in it