Special e-News 3-25-2020

SPECIAL e-News 3-25-2020


New Moon Tonight

Be sure to watch for the Abib new moon crescent tonight after sunset. This all-important moon of the first month is key to Passover and all the Feasts this year. Please report it to the new moon website when you observe it: https://yrm.org/new-moon-network/


Abib Barley ‘Ample’

We were asked about the conditions of the barley in Israel. With the COVID 19 outbreak, we are unsure whether anyone is looking for the Abib barley this month. However, based on last month’s reports, there should be ample Abib barley to mark this new moon as Abib. Here is a correspondence received today from a faithful Abib reporter who goes to Israel every year, including last month: “I can tell you will a high degree of certainty that east of Ashkelon there were multiple locations that would be ready for a wavesheaf today if not sooner. Not a lot of them, but certainly more than enough to meet any requirements. Those locations would also qualify for harvestable fields once wavesheaf comes along. There are also locations in some other areas that were coming along very nicely but not being there I would not be confident in saying they actually would be.”


YRM Temporarily Worshiping Online

Missouri’s governor has a current order limiting gatherings to less than 10 people to reduce spread of COVID-19.  It has been indicated that this order will remain in effect for several more weeks. Due to the current conditions, YRM has made the difficult decision to limit our worship services during this time to our online format. This includes the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.

There are clear examples in the Bible of isolating ourselves during time of disease.  And, although certainly not the same, we know that the angel of death came through Egypt during Passover causing the Israelite’s to remain in their individual dwellings.  We are blessed to live in a time when, even though we may be physically separated, we’re still able to worship together as one people through technology.

This will be an adjustment, but YRM is committed to getting Yahweh’s Word out no matter what our current circumstances.  May Yahweh bless everyone, keep you safe and healthy, and until we physically meet again, we’ll continue to do so online! Watch Online Here>>


Passover Provisions

For those taking the Passover memorial online the evening of April 7, be sure to obtain the necessary items beforehand, including grape juice and matos or unleavened crackers. Unleavened recipes are at: https://yrm.org/unleavened-recipes/  Also, have a basin of water for the footwashing at hand. If you are alone this part of the service is skipped. If you are low risk of COVID-19, you might consider contacting a fellow believer of the same gender whom you can observe the Passover with, including the foot washing. You will need to remove all leavening and leavening agents from your home by Passover. For a list of leavening agents to go: https://yrm.org/leavening-agents/

Special provision will be made for local seniors at Holts Summit who are unable to connect online for the memorial.

For the Feast of Unleavened Bread be sure to include unleavened bread of some form with daily meals, April 9-15.

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