Based on Peter’s vision, isn’t pork now clean to eat?

Based on Peter’s vision, isn’t pork now clean to eat?


Contrary to popular opinion, Peter’s vision in Acts 10 has nothing to do with clean foods. The lesson behind this parable involved the separation between Jew and gentile. Peter later explained that Yahweh showed him that he was not to call any man common or unclean. We further explain in the Restoration Study Bible: “Peter’s vision is a lesson about accepting repentant gentiles into the Body of Messiah as those grafted into the promise of Israel (Rom. 9:17-24). This was a major change as gentiles were considered unclean by the Jews. The meaning and purpose of this vision is explained by Peter himself in verse 28, ‘but Elohim hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.’ Peter admits to learning the object lesson in vv. 34-35, having had a personal problem with discrimination (Gal 2:11). The passage is not about eating unclean food, which would have been a violation of the Law of Yahweh,” note on Acts 10:9.



Should we avoid foods with gelatin?

Should we avoid foods with gelatin


Unless the gelatin is noted as “kosher gelatin,” most often it’s derived from pig. Since Yahweh forbids the eating of pork in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, we should avoid gelatin until we confirm the source from the manufacturer.


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Was Messiah worshiped as the Father in the New Testament?

Messiah    I’ve heard your Ministry state that the Messiah should not be worshiped like the Father. There are several examples in the New Testament where the Messiah was worshiped, e.g. Matthew 2:11; 8:2; 9:19; 14:33. Doesn’t this show that He was worshiped as the Father and that He and the Father share an equality? After all, the Bible confirms that the Father and Son are “one” and that the Messiah sits on the Father’s right hand.


Messiah    We at YRM make a distinction between the Father and Son. While we recognize that Yahshua was “worshipped” in the New Testament, we do not believe these examples confirm that the Son was worshiped in the same manner as the Father is worshiped.

The word “worshipped” in the New Testament comes from the Greek proskuneo. Strong’s defines this word as, “…meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore).” Thayer’s Greek Lexicon states, “…in the New Testament by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication; used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank.” This word refers to prostration, as we most often show to Yahweh, and also to reverence or respect, as we would show to those of superior rank, including to Yahshua the Messiah. The first definition applies to Yahweh and the second to Yahshua. Formal worship was always directed to the Father. Even Yahshua directed honor first to the Father. He went so far as to say that no man was good, but only the Father, Luke 18:19. For example, in Matthew 2:2 the wise men were not there to worship a ‘deity,’ but the King of the Jews. Regarding the wise men bowing down before Yahshua in Matthew 2:11, this was a common practice for earthly kings and other positions of authority.

In reference to your statement about the Father and Son being “one,” this simply implies that they share the same core values, attributes, and characteristics. However, this does not make them one or equal in authority. As Paul confirms in 1Corinthians 11:3, even after Yahshua’s resurrection and ascension, the Father was still greater than the Son: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Messiah; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Messiah is Yahweh.”

In summary, while Yahshua was worshiped, i.e., reverenced, in the New Testament, it would be improper to state that He was worshiped on the same level or in the same manner as the Father.

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613 Laws

What about the 613 Laws?

What about the 613 Laws?
Many embrace Jewish traditions more than Scripture. They observe purely Jewish holidays like Hanukkah and Purim and neglect the commanded seven annual Holy Days of Leviticus 23. Incidentally, the word Purim is Persian and means “lots,” as in casting lots. The ancient practice worked like a horoscope, where the heathen cast lots to divine the future each day.

Following Jewish practices often leads to renouncing the New Testament and along with it, Yahshua the Messiah.

At the other end of the spectrum are critics of obedience as practiced in the New Testament. “So do you keep all 613 laws?” they typically ask in a “gotcha” attempt intended to entrap. Let’s take an overview of what the Jews contend are the 613 laws of the Old Testament.

Granted, we observe the vast majority of Yahweh’s commands in the way He intended. But there are some commands that clearly could only apply to the time of ancient Israel.

For instance, a statute in Deuteronomy 22:8 says to make a low wall about 3 feet tall around your roof. That law makes sense for safety on flat roofs in Israel because families used their roofs as living spaces. But it makes no practical sense for most homes today in America.

Following are more of the 613 laws we today cannot comply with because of their nature: Leviticus 25:34 says Levites are to redeem their homes in their Levitical towns; their houses are redeemable but the land surrounding them is not. To keep this law we need first to find out where any remaining Levites are today, where their fields are and where their cities are. If we can’t determine that then we fail in this law.

Deuteronomy 12:2-3 directs Israel to destroy their idolatry and its appurtenances. Anyone care to go through retail stores in December and take a hammer to all the Santa figures and cut down all the Xmas trees?

Exodus 22:18 targets witchcraft with a mandate not to allow a witch to live. What would happen if we took this law into our own hands vigilante style?

Then there are all the laws pertaining to the high priest and the conducting of temple worship. Being we are not under the Levitical priesthood, these laws are unobservable today. Hebrews 5:6 tells us, “As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.”

Anyone with a physical defect shall not serve in the sanctuary, Leviticus 21:17. There is no sanctuary or priesthood even existing now.

We get ourselves into a real predicament if we attempt to keep the sacrificial laws today because sacrifices are owned by Yahshua’s power as our High Priest in the Melchisedec order. His sacrifice covered all sacrifices for sin. We best not offer animal sacrifices if we value our salvation as there is no complete removal of sin under the old system of animal sacrifices.

Those 613 laws (a number not found in Scripture but only in Talmudic tradition) were also the constitution of Israel. Those statutes were necessary for running a righteous, theocratic government under Yahweh. They include laws on how a ruler should conduct himself as well as statutes governing political interactions with other nations. They regulated court proceedings and judgments, punishing of criminals, citizen behavior, social interactions, and worship.

Many of these statutes are not in our power to comply with because we live under a Roman system, a government of man, which has assumed some of Yahweh’s prerogatives. The Bible was Israel’s constitution and it will be again in the millennial Kingdom.

Now, biblical laws dealing with Yahweh’s worship, social relations, and morality are for everyone. Many crossover categories. The following is a quick breakdown of major divisions of biblical law and some examples of each.

Governmental Law
The king must not have too many wives and horses, Deut. 17:16,17
The king must not have too much silver and gold, Deut. 17:17
Regulations of houses in walled cities, Lev. 25:29
How can such statutes apply to us?

Judicial Law
Appoint impartial judges, Deut. 1:17 and16:18
A judicial court must not execute anyone on the testimony of a single witness, Deut.17:6; Num. 35:30
Anyone who knows the evidence must testify in a court case, Lev. 5:1
Punish the false witness exactly as he sought to punish the accused, Deut. 19:19
How can these laws apply to us in a court system that’s not ours?

Moral Law (regulates relationships with fellow man, Ex. 20:12-17; Matt. 22:37-39)
Don’t bear a grudge, Lev. 19:18
Don’t wrong any one in speech, Lev. 25:17
Don’t curse father or mother. Ex. 21:17
Keep your word and your promises, Deut. 23:23
Don’t take revenge, Lev. 19:18
Don’t be superstitious, Lev. 19:26
Keep the Ten Commandments, Ex. 20
These laws are for everyone in any age.

Spiritual Law
Observe the Ten Commandments, Ex. 20; Deut. 5
Keep the Feasts and Sabbath, Lev. 23
Eat only clean foods, Lev. 11
Observe the sabbaticals and jubilees, Lev. 25
Yahweh no longer wants animal sacrifices (Hebrews 10:5)
Animal sacrifices did not remove sin. (Hebrews 10:11). They simply pointed to the Messiah who was to die as the Lamb of Elohim who would take away the sin of the world.
Crossover laws: Don’t allow anyone practicing witchcraft to live (Ex. 22:17)
Slay the inhabitants of a city that has become idolatrous and burn that city (Deut. 13:16-17)
Man’s statutes do not change perpetual spiritual laws such as sodomite marriages.

Civil Law
Order of inheritance, Num. 27:8
Help a brother with his fallen beast of burden, Deut. 22:4
Don’t overcharge or underpay for an item, Lev. 25:14
Don’t charge a believer interest, Deut. 23:19-20
Houses sold within a walled city may be redeemed within a year, Lev. 25:29

Yahshua Our Standard
Yahshua is our guide when it comes to obedience, as He provided the proper example of how to live the precepts of His Father Yahweh. Being sinless, Yahshua was faithful to the Old Testament commandments, including the weekly Sabbath and Feasts, Hebrews 4:15, 1Peter 2:22.
The Saints at the end of the Bible are defined as those who “keep the commandments of Yahweh, and the faith of Yahshua,” Revelation 14:12. They have both Yahshua and the law. Obedience to the commandments as well as fidelity to the same standard of living shown by Yahshua come as a unit. Those who do Yahweh’s commandments are called blessed, and they will have right to Yahshua’s coming Kingdom, Revelation 22:14

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Are police officers (and other emergency workers) allowed to work on the Sabbath?

    I am a Police Officer and I’m required to work Friday and Saturdays. I try to spend my downtime reading scripture and being mindful of Yahweh. But I understand it’s not exactly the way we are supposed to honor the Sabbath. What does one do in a situation like this where I don’t have the option of being off on the Sabbath?

   While we certainly respect our law enforcement, believers should not be working on the Sabbath. The same would also apply to those in the medical field. The only option is to receive a waiver or look for a position that would allow you to correctly observe the Sabbath.

It’s important to realize that the Sabbath is a sign between us and our Heavenly Father. In two places we find this confirmed:

“Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am Yahweh that doth sanctify you” (Exodus 31:13).

“I am Yahweh your Elohim; walk in my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them; and hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am Yahweh your Elohim” (Ezekiel 20:19-20).

The Sabbath is not only a sign solidifying our relationship with Yahweh, but it’s the only sign of this kind. In other words, no other command is called a “sign.” This honor is given only to the Sabbath. Therefore, when we work on the Sabbath we are not only breaking an important commandment but diminishing the relationship between us and Yahweh.

When it comes to work on the Sabbath, Yahweh is incredibly strict. Below are two examples:

“And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the Sabbath day. And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him. And Yahweh said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp. And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as Yahweh commanded Moses” (Numbers 15:32-36)

“Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the Sabbath, in it there shall be none. And it came to pass, that there went out some of the people on the seventh day for to gather, and they found none. And Yahweh said unto Moses, How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws? See, for that Yahweh hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day” (Exodus 16:26-29).

In the above examples, Israel was punished for the breaking of the Sabbath. In the example of the man picking up sticks, based on the Hebrew, it’s possible the word “sticks” refers to lumber and referred to construction work. Regardless, both accounts show the seriousness of breaking the Sabbath.

It should also be remembered that the Sabbath is a day of rest, worship, and convocation (coming together), Exodus 20:8-11 and Leviticus 23:3. It’s also a day that we’re not to spend focused on our hobbies or pleasures outside of the Word. Isaiah 58:13 reads, “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and Yahweh’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words.”

Some might question Yahshua the Messiah’s actions in the New Testament. The fact that He healed and said that it was okay to do good on the Sabbath, does this give those in critical, life-saving positions, the grace to break the Sabbath. While Yahshua certainly showed that it was permissible to do good on the Sabbath, these actions were not part of His employment and were done only when absolutely required. As believers, we should not be purposely pushing our “ox in a ditch.”

Even though law enforcement and medical staff serve important functions in society, this does not give believers a free pass to ignore the Sabbath, especially when there are many non-believers willing and able to do the work. This latter point is critically important to remember. The bottom line, Yahweh established the Sabbath in the beginning (Genesis 2:3) and it serves as a sign between Him and us.

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Based on the article, Trinity of Trouble, do you believe that the Son was created?

    Having read your article (Trinity of Trouble) Posted on May 5, 2017 by YRM I should like to ask you whether you believe Jesus is God or created Son of God. In John 1.1, if you master the Greek Biblical language, there is no doubt that Jesus is God. It is not by coincidence that the New Testament was written in Greek because it’s so specific that it leaves no doubt about the correct meaning. If you believe that Jesus is God them my question is, are there (extra-large size gods) and (small-size gods) or one in union, Trinity. Only idolatrous gods are created like the 12 Gods of Olympus. I would really like to have your opinion on this as (Trinity of Trouble) doesn’t say much.

    We believe that Yahshua the Messiah was the firstborn of creation and that only the Father Yahweh has immortality (i.e., existed from the beginning), see 1Timothy 6:16. Clear evidence for this can be found in Colossians 1:15. Paul states there, “Who is the image of the invisible El, the firstborn of every creature.” Paul here is referring to the Messiah and confirms that He was the “firstborn of every creature.” The word “firstborn” comes from Greek prototokos. According to Strong’s, prototokos literally means, “first-born.” The Thayer’s Greek Lexicon states, “…of Christ, the first born of all creation.” The word “creature” comes from the Greek ktisis and refers to “original formation,” Strong’s. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon states, “…creation, that is, a thing created; used of individual things, beings, a creature, a creation.” Based on the Greek, Colossians 1:15 is literally stating that Messiah was the firstborn of creation. This obviously implies that He had a beginning and confirms that He and the Father are separate beings, especially since only the Father has immortality.

Another passage is Revelation 3:14, “…These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of El.” Yahshua speaking here to John confirms that He was the beginning of Yahweh’s creation. The word “beginning” comes from the Greek arche and means, “…a commencement, or (concretely) chief (in various applications of order, time, place, or rank),” Strong’s. While it may be possible to define ache as referring to rank, based on the context, it’s more likely a reference to a commencement in time. This is nearly how all Greek translators have understood this passage.

We also find evidence for Yahshua’s creation in Proverbs 8:22. It states, “Yahweh possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.” Many scholars believe that this passage is referring to the Messiah, as we do. If so, we see here that Yahweh “possessed” Yahshua in the beginning. This word comes from the Hebrew qanah, a primitive root. Strong’s defines this word as, “…to erect, i.e. create; by extension, to procure, especially by purchase (causatively, sell); by implication to own.” Notice that the primary meaning implies creation. This corroborates Colossians 1:15 and Revelation 3:14.

There are several issues believing that the Father and Son are the same being. For one, how do we explain the many passages showing the Son praying to or calling out to the Father? Was He speaking to Himself? Below are a few examples:

Matt 11:25: At that time Yahshua answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Sovereign of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

Matt 26:42: He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.

Luke 23:34: Then said Yahshua, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

Another issue is the Bible confirms that the Father is greater than the Son. If you have two beings, one greater and one lesser, how can they be the same? Consider the following:

John 10:29: My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

John 14:29: Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

1Cor. 11:3: But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Messiah; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Messiah is Yahweh.

In addition, according to Acts 2:24, the Father resurrected the Son. If the Father and Son are one being, how did He resurrect Himself, assuming we believe that he literally died for our sins? Also, how is it possible that Father being immortal could die?

I know many explain this by stating that the Messiah was “God” manifested in the flesh and the Father was “God” manifested in the spirit. There is nothing in Scripture that confirms such a notion. This is the same human reasoning that led to the Trinity. When it comes to the relationship of the Father and Son, the Bible is clear: only the Father has immortality, the Father is greater than the Son, the Son was created, and the Father and Son are two separate beings.

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A Rabbi Said that Romans 14:5 permits any day for worship. Is this true?

Romans 14:5    Please help, I can now see clearly that we are to keep the 7th day Sabbath, blessed and set apart by Yahweh at creation and throughout scripture. The calendar was numbered. There is no way to confuse which day it is, Saturday. My husband relented and finally contacted a Rabbi in Louisville, KY. The Rabbi told him that according to Romans 14:5, we can now choose any day. However, Romans 14:5 is about food and fasting. Merging Jewish culture and traditions with gentiles. I cannot find anywhere in scripture that changes Yahweh’s command. Please help. I so appreciate any help or advice you can offer. Thank you and blessings to you.

    You are right, the Sabbath has never changed and should be observed from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Romans 14:5 is not speaking about the Sabbath but to days of fasting, which were not obligatory, but done on a voluntary basis. This is why Paul says it doesn’t matter which day we choose. Fasting is a personal choice and is not limited to any specific day. However, this is not true for the Sabbath. Yahweh hallowed the seventh day and scripturally this has never changed. Yahshua the Messiah and the apostles observed the Sabbath in the New Testament (e.g. Mark 2:23; Acts 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4) and everyone will observe it in the Millennial Kingdom, Isaiah 66:23. Sunday is not biblical but was adopted by the Roman church. For additional information, please see the below booklets:

Is keeping the Feasts legalism?

     Does the keeping of the Feasts bring us back to legalism when we have been saved only by grace and mercy through our Savior Jesus Christ? Doesn’t this divide us from Jesus’ provision to save us?

    The Bible speaks about justification and sanctification. Justification refers to the remission of sins through the atonement of our Savior, Yahshua the Messiah. This is not something we earn or are given based on obedience or good works but is a free gift from our Father Yahweh (Romans 3:20-28; 4:2; 5:9; 6:23; 1Corinthians 6:11; Colossians 2:16). However, once we are justified from our sins, the Bible speaks about living a sanctified life (Acts 26:18; 1Corinthians 1:2; 6:9-11; 1Thessalonians 4:3-7; Hebrews 10:26-31). We do this by obeying Him and living a life of righteousness.

It’s also important to realize that sin is the breaking of the commandments. 1John 3:4 states, “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” Few would argue that sin doesn’t exist or as believers we should continue to sin, even after coming to grace. Knowing that sin is defined as “transgression of the law” and as believers, we should be avoiding sin, this leads to only one conclusion, we should be obeying the commandments. Also, Jude warns against turning Yahweh’s grace into a license to sin. He states, “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, unrighteous men, turning the grace of our Elohim into lasciviousness [i.e., sin], and denying the only Sovereign Yahweh, and our Master Yahshua Messiah,” verse 4.

In summary, we do not obey to earn justification or redemption from our sins, but once we are justified we are then to live a life of sanctification or holiness by obeying our Father’s commandments. Therefore, obeying our Creator is not legalism, but showing our love and worthiness, 1John 5:3 and Revelation 20:12.

Here are a few additional passages confirming that we are to obey after coming to the knowledge of the truth:

“Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven,” Matthew 5:17.

“Do we then make void the law through faith? Elohim forbid: yea, we establish the law,” Romans 3:31.

“Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?…. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Elohim forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good,” Romans 7:1, 7-12.

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahweh, and have the testimony of Yahshua Messiah,” Revelation 12:17.

“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahweh, and the faith of Yahshua,” Revelation 14:12.

Take note from Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 that a saint or believer is defined by those who obey the commandments and believe in Yahshua the Messiah.

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie,” Revelation 22:14-15.

When did Judaism begin?

    When did Judaism begin? When was it established? I have a theory. I would like to get your take on it.

    We can define Judaism’s starting point at four different times throughout history. One, Judaism can be used interchangeably with the faith given to Abraham, even though we know that Abraham was Hebrew and not Jewish and that Judah constituted only one of the 12 tribes. Two, you can define Judaism beginning with the division between Israel and Judah during the reign of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam. Three, you can also define Judaism beginning during and after the Babylonian exile. This was the beginning of Talmudic Judaism. Four, the final form of Judaism can be defined as beginning with Yahshua and the apostles. Paul in Romans 2:25-29 defined the uncircumcision (non-Jews/Israelites) who obey the commandments as inward Jews. I pray that this helps.

Can women teach and what roles do they have in Scripture?

    What role did Esther play in Scripture? I’m asking because I was surprised that you say that women cannot hold any public office within the assembly. I thought Esther was a prophet and even asked for permission to approach the king. I also thought women were allowed to teach other women and still share the good news of Yahshua to others and especially to other women.

    We are not saying that ladies have no role or value within the assembly. In many cases, women served as support roles, Luke 8:1-3, Acts 16:13-15; 18:24-26, Romans 16:1-6. They are also instructed to teach their children and other ladies, Titus 2:3-5. When we say that they have no official role we are referring to ministers and those ordained to the work (priests, elders, deacons, etc.). There are no examples of ladies being ordained to the ministry or being placed in public teaching roles in either the Old or New testaments.

Regarding Esther, she was not a prophetess, but a queen. While she saved her people through her bravery, she never taught the people. This job was given to Ezra and the priests.

It’s never our intention to degrade the value of women. We believe that women provide many blessings to the home and to the assembly. None greater than being a mother and mentor to other ladies.